Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [adv] [subord] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The two-layer structure will be stable only if the density of the cool , clear upper layer is less than the bulk density of the sedimenting lower layer .
2 ‘ If I were the Pentagon or the White House I 'd be upset too if a US Air Force bomber or cargo plane , carrying a load of bombs , suddenly disappeared into the sea .
3 TINY tot Stuart McKane is lucky to be alive today after a kitchen oven fell and pinned him to the floor .
4 The Entrance Examination produced the usual number of candidates ( about 350 ) , but of these half would be interested only if a bursary or some other sort of aided place could be provided .
5 It would be ironic indeed if the AFBD 's new populist hastened the downfall of his Athens .
6 If the Secretary of State has considered a proposed merger and made a decision as to clearance or otherwise in respect of it a fee will also be payable even if no application for clearance has been made .
7 This liability would be payable even if the venture failed , and all the capital were lost .
8 The Commission , however , raised the possibility that importers ( e.g. an auctioneer ) could benefit from the temporary importation arrangements : VAT would be payable only if the item were sold , and it would be deductible .
9 It is probably unnecessary to specify the president , as the relevant institution 's procedures will be similar even if the president is not specified .
10 General grants would be appropriate only if the grantor felt that all local services were merit goods .
11 This conclusion is controversial ; a legal issue does not cease to be such simply because the term in question is open to a range of possible meanings .
12 They will go on doing so , but they can be effective only if the fighting which seems to have broken out and the looting that I described cease .
13 If I thought that the present case raised the question which has been held in suspense by more than one writer on constitutional law — namely , whether an assembly can properly be held to be unlawful merely because the holding of it is expected to give rise to a breach of the peace on the part of persons opposed to those who are holding the meeting — I should wish to hear much more argument before I expressed an opinion .
14 If I thought that the present case raised the question which has been held in suspense by more than one writer on constitutional law — namely , whether an assembly can properly be held to be unlawful merely because the holding of it is expected to give rise to a breach of the peace on the part of persons opposed to those who are holding the meeting — I should wish to hear much more argument before expressing an opinion .
15 I do not disregard the possibility that some rituals in some societies do indeed perform such a function , but this interpretation would be meaningful only if the members of those societies could be shown in their various ideas and practices — in particular those concerning personhood — to endorse such an interpretation .
16 The British played an important part in triggering off a European response to American signals that large-scale aid would be forthcoming only if the Europeans themselves demonstrated an ability to co-operate and to produce a programme for recovery which satisfied American criteria .
17 There seems no good reason why herbs should not be used at home to cure many minor ills , in the same way that aspirin are useful for headaches , toothache , etc. , and the day may not be far away when a book of standard prescriptions using herbs is universally available .
18 In that way fast passenger links to the north-west will be available shortly after the tunnel is opened .
19 However , funds provided in the third category would be available only if a country 's domestic policies were adjusted to that prescribed by the Community 's Council of Ministers .
20 A major influence was undoubtedly the personality of the dean himself , but the essential catalysts were the decision by the department of anatomy that it could no longer continue to operate two separate curricula — one for the traditional course and one for the parallel track — and the decision by several of the charitable funders of the new pathway that future grants would be available only if the scheme was adopted throughout the school .
21 This criticism is part of a wider attack on the use of classification of functions as a criterion for deciding issues such as the availability of judicial remedies to control administrative action ( the remedy of certiorari was at one time said to be available only if the decision-maker was under a duty to act ‘ judicially ’ ) , or the applicability of the rules of natural justice in particular circumstances ( sometimes said to apply only to ‘ judicial functions ’ ) .
22 It is common in rent review for reasons to be available only if the parties pay the expert higher fees .
23 If the decision applies in this context , then a defendant will be guilty of rape if he has sexual intercourse with a non-consenting woman without giving any thought to the possibility that she might not be consenting even though the risk of this was obvious .
24 The third chest has a slightly decayed , but permanent , Magic Lock on it , such that an attempt at mechanical lock-picking is only 50% likely to be successful even if the lock-picker makes his Dex test to pick the lock .
25 281 but , in any event , it can , in my opinion , be accurate only if the husband and wife cases are treated as being in a separate category .
26 The expert 's expenses such as seeking outside legal advice will generally be recoverable only if the parties have agreed to the expense .
27 Further , this principle should not be inapplicable simply because the citizen paid the money under mistake of law .
28 This principle should extend to embrace cases in which the tax or other levy has been wrongly exacted by the public authority not because the demand was ultra vires but for other reasons , for example because the authority had misconstrued a relevant statute or regulation , and should not be inapplicable simply because the citizen has paid the money under a mistake of law .
29 Nor do I think it necessary to consider for the purposes of the present case to what extent the common law may provide the public authority with a defence to a claim for the repayment of money so paid ; though for the reasons I have already given , I do not consider that the principle of recovery should be inapplicable simply because the citizen has paid the money under a mistake of law .
30 We will convert Invalid Care Allowance into a Carer 's Benefit , increasing its value by an immediate 15% , indexing its future level to earnings and altering the entitlement rules to enable carers to combine caring with part-time or even full-time jobs and to ensure that people will still be eligible even if the caring starts after the carer reaches pensionable age .
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