Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [verb] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If he put up a scheme , you would be willing to follow him to the ends of the earth to ensure its fulfilment .
2 Dr Mackintosh had left for the weekend , but Dr Lange , the literary one , would be free to see him in the morning .
3 While we have examined Oakeshott as a conservative thinker therefore we must be careful to distinguish him from the religious conservatism of Burke and from the mainstream forms of conservatism which Huntington identified in the aristocratic and situational theories as ideological defences of the ancien régime or of established institutions .
4 ‘ I ca n't remember riding for Jonjo before , but it would be great to get him off the mark and this horse certainly has a bit of a chance , ’ smiled Willie who is closing fast on another century .
5 We do n't know what he 's like yet — would n't it be better to ask him for an odd Sunday first before we let ourselves in for a course of sermons ? ’
6 Your son 's teacher should be able to refer him to an educational psychologist who 'll try to find out why he acts as he does , and how he can be helped .
7 If he himself has not paid for them then the person who sold him the goods will be able to sue him for the price but will have lost any chance of recovering the goods .
8 Well , he , it 's not that far away and it 's , if he 's in here and they can see to him , fair enough , or they might be able to point him in a different direction , a better direction
9 In the hospital , sitting up for the first time in several days , he had watched the doctor anointing an old man who would have made a superb St Jerome : ‘ a thin , long , sinewy brown wrinkled body with such very distinct and expressive joints that it makes one melancholy not to be able to have him for a model . ’
10 Once he hits on the right track he should be able to follow him to the place where he leaves the food and then watch who picks it up .
11 Also their directors wont really be able to sack him for a few years .
12 The anti-terrorist branch were looking hard at MacQuillan 's political life , but Wickham knew someone who would certainly be able to tell him about the dead man 's business life .
13 If he did , every honest man in London would be proud to report him to the police .
14 It was crossing their minds that it might be safer to leave him in the car , but they had to consider whether they could trust him not to steal it .
15 The conclusion that there was not going to be any hit him at the same time as Rincewind , whirring wildly down the passage , kicked him sharply in the groin .
16 Although he was a leading member of the Danzig Party it would probably be fair to describe him as a misguided liberal who only realised his mistaken alliance when he saw the brownshirts pulling on their kicking boots .
17 When Donald examined his wire in the last stages of the illness it might be necessary to lead him to a medical textbook and steer those calm , grey eyes in the direction of the chapter headed ‘ The Guillain-Barré Syndrome ’ .
18 If she could not find Charles in the hotel , she would be obliged to seek him within the conference building .
19 On waking I had a look at Nigel and then telephoned Alan , to find out when he would be ready to drive him to the crematorium mortuary .
20 She made for an armchair , knowing it would be wise to keep him at a distance , but she did n't reach it .
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