Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [verb] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Standard periods would be prescribed for different types of business , although it would be possible to apply for a special timetable at an early stage and for detailed variations of the timetable .
2 The voluntary non-statutory sector was able to extend provision because it could attract the services of people who would not be prepared to work for a public authority .
3 For example , a worker who is unaware that exposure to high levels of benzene , as happens in some chemical plants , might cause cancer will be willing to work for a lower wage than she would if this information were widely available .
4 In the final analysis all power relationships depend on resources , be it those obtained from the state , the respective local authority or the private individual who is to be willing to pay for a specific service .
5 Such an approach also assumes that management would be willing to pay for a large project , accept the risks involved and get little reward in terms of information systems for a number of years .
6 ‘ The front door is locked now but the caretaker will let you out at the back , so you 'll be welcome to stay for a wee while longer .
7 In practice , it would be better to test for a negative number before using SQR rather than trap the " — ve root " error .
8 Would it be better to go for an automatic or power steering now ?
9 ‘ You might be able to go for a short walk in a couple of days , ’ said Joe .
10 Lawyers will not be able to take an American-style slice of the damages if successful , but they will be able to ask for an extra percentage on top of their normal costs , with a maximum to be fixed by the Lord Chancellor .
11 He will be able to arrange for a private clinic , so there will be no problems with the police . ’
12 If a wife who formerly worked is over 60 and retired but can not yet get a basic pension on either her own or her husband 's contributions , she may be able to qualify for an additional or graduated pension based on her own contributions .
13 So , if a company has a virtual monopoly in a particular type of computer system , charges an exorbitant price for it and the Commission prepares a report to the effect that this situation is against the public interest , anyone will be able to apply for a compulsory licence to use the software .
14 I 'd be happy to pay for a new one , but I have no idea where to go .
15 Good television news coverage is of course a fantastic bonus , though it may be difficult to get for a modest but charming building .
16 However a surface likely to be recontaminated between use needs to be disinfected immediately before use bearing in mind that a higher concentration may be necessary to compensate for a reduced contact time or reduced time in a dry state .
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