Example sentences of "[be] [verb] at [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Every such notice shall state the name and address of each Purchaser and the number of Shares agreed to be purchased by him , and the purchase shall be completed at a place and time to be appointed by the Directors .
2 Every such notice shall state the name and address of each Purchaser and the number of Shares agreed to be purchased by him , and the purchase shall be completed at a place and time to be appointed by the Directors .
3 At the ‘ micro ’ level information will be gathered at the household and plot level about land values and land price changes , together with an evaluation of population turnover .
4 Having said that , he enjoyed the depth of conviction to be heard at a conventicle and slipped away to a service on the muirs above the village as often as he was able to do so .
5 To make a room look wider , long horizontal bands of mirror can be placed at the top and bottom of walls , or vertical floor to ceiling panels can be added to walls at right angles to a window .
6 The sessions can be arranged at a time and place suitable to your drivers .
7 I would be sitting in the car looking out at the fascinating scenery , my mum and my brother would be doing the same , my sister would be looking at a book and my dad would be driving .
8 In next month 's Buyer 's Guide I 'll be looking at the pros and cons of third party maintenance contracts and insurance for your PC .
9 Andrew Holden , joint secretary of the Northern Examining Association , said : ‘ We will be looking at the position and seeing whether we think it is worthwhile to offer a similar scheme or whether we would prefer to cut the general level of fees so that we are competing on even terms . ’
10 Is n't it obvious within a second that you must be looking at the husband and wife ?
11 And he wants to , at the very least I think it 's reasonable to say , he wants to influence the Communist Party that , that this is the way you should be looking at the world and it , it is different to the way you were looking at it .
12 The variations are so wide that it would contravene both the principle of fair labelling ( see Chapter 3.3 ( 1 ) ) and the principle of maximum certainty ( see Chapter 3.3 ( i ) ) if there were just a single offence of non-fatal harm and a single offence of sexual assault : this would often leave little to be decided at the trial and would transfer the effective decision to the sentencing stage .
13 Order 20 , r 12A provides as follows : ( 1 ) Subject to paragraph ( 2 ) , at any stage in an action or matter the court may , if it thinks fit for the purpose of disposing fairly and expeditiously of the action or matter and saving costs , direct any party to serve on the other parties , on such terms as the court shall think just , written statements of the oral evidence which the party intends to lead on any issues of fact to be decided at the trial and RSC Ord 38 , r 2A shall apply to a direction under this rule .
14 In Great Britain important silver bearing his mark may be seen at the Victoria and Albert Museum , the Ashmolean Museum , and the Mansion House .
15 much of the analysis can be done at the microscope and cut-out photographs need only be used to detect subtle changes .
16 He 'll be waiting at the station and we ca n't make it now .
17 The main effect of wind is probably to be seen in undercutting and fluting at the base of upstanding rock masses , while such things as wooden telegraph poles and stone monuments may be undercut at the base and even worn through .
18 Mrs Hawkins reported that she had been unable to take photos at this location as she had first to finish off a slide film , but will soon be in a position to take the required photos and also others to be displayed at the A.G.M. and then stored in the village archives .
19 As she gaped at him he went on calmly , ‘ I told them you would be staying at the palazzo and asked them to have your luggage repacked and sent over here . ’
20 The tournament , which will be held next weekend , will be based primarily at Lisnagarvey and Blaris , with some first round matches to be played at the Valley and Olympia leisure centres and Mossley Hockey Club .
21 It is this unqualified yes that will be remembered at the seminars and cocktail parties , when his pages of qualification or the tepid conclusions … are long forgotten ’ ( 1984 : 11 ) .
22 Transitions from the " flight narration " to the subject of the book and back are to be found at the beginning and end of each part .
23 If the two pairs of projectors are in line , the intention is not usually a multi-image effect In fact , it s likely that the two projectors nearer to the camera will not contain so much an image as an image-blocker , ie a mask or matte that blocks out part of the image behind it Since the two mattes will normally be complementary , and the combined image can be seen by inspection through the camera 's viewfinder , any faults , such as overlaps or gaps , should be observed at the time and , if possible , corrected on a second , third or fourth take This is more economical and satisfactory than getting the results of multiple passes back from the lab and discovering that a whole day 's work has to be redone .
24 Her film , Without You I 'm Nothing , will be playing at the ICA and arthouses across the country , and she 's on the cover of Playboy and THE FACE .
25 As George Dangerfield remarked in 1935 : ‘ the Englishman of the seventies and eighties … was strongly in favour of peace — that is to say , he liked his wars to be fought at a distance and , if possible , in the name of God . ’
26 They would n't fight now , not those two , but the battle would be continued at a time and place of their own choosing .
27 ‘ I 'll be sitting at the back and I do n't want anybody showing up the firm , asking questions , telling tales , you get my meaning ? ’
28 Select the ones that have held bottles , because they will be stapled at the bottom and are much stronger .
29 As suggested by Szekeres ( 1972 ) , it is therefore possible to use these as coordinates in region IV , although care has to be taken at the boundaries and it is not possible to extend these coordinates into the prior regions II and III .
30 Whatever the purpose of the meeting , it should be stated at the outset and adhered to .
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