Example sentences of "[be] [verb] at [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Money Any blunders you make will be highlighted at the end of the month , so be extra careful , especially if you are in charge of other people 's cash .
2 The commonest complaint in males is that of non-specific urethritis ( NSU ) , and this can be diagnosed at the time of the first visit in the majority of cases .
3 At the time the decision was that a review would be undertaken at the end of the conflict or ‘ in six months time ’ to look at the long-term future of the OCU .
4 During conference debate on industrial law , Brenda Dean , general secretary of the print union Sogat , attacked Mr Maxwell over the treatment of over 100 workers at the Nuffield Press in Oxford who , she said , had to agree to individual contracts or be sacked at the end of the week .
5 There are other ways of marking it , but it would always be explained at the beginning of a textbook or dictionary which system is used .
6 Any MacPaint format image , whether existing art or a scanned illustration , can now be traced at the click of a button .
7 Instruction should be given at a point of high motivation , as for example when the student wants to obtain information in connection with a particular project .
8 Since this practice is not yet by any means universal , and the player may not have come across it before , a note of explanation should be given at the beginning of the part , otherwise the asterisk will cause the player to look for a footnote at the bottom of the page .
9 The age of the child on the date of departure must be given at the time of booking and confirmed on the Booking Form .
10 The direction must be given at the time of the refusal .
11 Once a CFE treaty was signed talks should begin to build on additional measures including ones to limit manpower in Europe ; a commitment would be given at the time of signature of the CFE treaty concerning the manpower levels of a unified Germany .
12 An extension of time for compliance with the order may be required to be given at the time of endorsing the penal notice .
13 Hand-outs can also be given at the end of the teaching session or sequence .
14 To ensure continuity and to give more necessary practice ( further consolidation ) , appropriate homework or a task should be given at the end of each lesson , or at least once or twice a week , depending on the amount of time the student is able or prepared to give up to home study .
15 IT is too much to hope that John Major 's vision of a ‘ classless society ’ can be realised at the drop of a hat but , if that what he wants , he might at least try to create a climate of equality .
16 Letters were then drawn up to be enrolled at the Court of Chancery so we would have the necessary licence to trade .
17 Personally I prefer effects loops and line links to be situated at the back of an amp .
18 Wintry blizzards and January gloom may be ameliorated at the start of this year by a warming ragout of exhibitions at various venues in Oxford .
19 If from a kick-off the ball crosses the opposing team 's goalline , a scrummage will be formed at the centre of the half-way line .
20 Four key proposals are to be examined at a meeting of health and safety chiefs later this month : The introduction of a duty on landlords to maintain all gas appliances in a safe condition .
21 Four key proposals are to be examined at a meeting of health and safety chiefs later this month : The introduction of a duty on landlords to maintain all gas appliances in a safe condition .
22 These facilities will be examined at the end of the chapter .
23 These are of considerable assistance to the file designer , and should be examined at the end of each run , at least while operating data for a file is still limited .
24 He said Mr Brooke had nothing to offer the people of Northern Ireland and he told the House : ‘ There must be condemnation of those who fail to take on the IRA and the finger must be pointed at the Secretary of State and those behind him .
25 There must also be condemnation for those who fail to take on the IRA , and the finger must be pointed at the Secretary of State and those who sit behind him .
26 Alternatively , the answers may be listed at the side of the screen for the child to select from .
27 Practical exercises can be completed at the pace of the individual user .
28 The inquiry , due to be completed at the end of next month , has resulted in serious tension between the police and the Ulster Defence Regiment .
29 The project is due to be completed at the end of 1993 .
30 The butterfly census will be completed at the end of this month .
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