Example sentences of "[be] [verb] from the fact that " in BNC.

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1 Some idea of the standard can be gathered from the fact that among those in the ‘ B ’ final , and therefore not in the top 12 men , were two others from the eight and all the coxless four in Vienna last year , plus two other former medallists .
2 Territorial instincts in people may well now be disconnected from the fact that , say , food is provided on an increasingly international basis .
3 The position and the number of the ridges so formed vary , but there is a tendency for the ridges at high and low neap tide levels to be the most permanent , as would be expected from the fact that the waves have more time to act at these levels than at intermediate levels .
4 His distaste for such work may be seen from the fact that Breavman refers to the ( infrequently visited ) lecture rooms of Columbia by saying to Krantz : ‘ Nothing smells more like a slaughterhouse than a graduate seminar .
5 The gathering momentum of clericalism under the Carolingians can be seen from the fact that while Alcuin still addressed his learning in many ways to the laity , his pupil Hrabanus Maurus , abbot of Fulda , wrote the De Institutione Clericorum , a compendium of theology and law exclusively for the clergy .
6 The appeal of liturgical monastic religion can also be seen from the fact that when Ethelwold in the 960s expelled the married clergy from the church of Winchester in favour of celibate monks , three of the former clergy , Eadsige , Wulfige , and Wilstan , returned as celibates to the new communal life .
7 But that this is not the whole explanation can be seen from the fact that the members of Annales do not treat ‘ l'histoire totale ’ as a homogeneous body of facts and theories which all fit neatly together like a vast jigsaw .
8 The importance of this can be seen from the fact that the Thirty Tyrants who seized power briefly in 404–3 BC decreed that only 3000 citizens should retain the right to trial , while all others could be summarily executed by government order .
9 Some indication of the pressures which these place on our finances can be seen from the fact that only two years ago the direct costs of these two areas were £175,000 and £70,000 respectively .
10 The court took the view that the case raised issues that were sufficiently difficult , as could be seen from the fact that the parties were represented at the hearing by counsel , to justify the decision that the procedure had been an arbitration .
11 The clearest statement of this situation was provided by Wilson ( 1962 ) and some conclusion can be drawn from the fact that this was so long ago .
12 Some idea of the importance of change may be got from the fact that the Mississippi has built seven major lobes in the last 5 000 years and that the last of these lobes has six sub-deltas , of which the West Bay sub-delta is one .
13 The sort of money involved can be gauged from the fact that each of the 31 trains for InterCity 's newly-electrified east coast main line cost £6m .
14 The sort of money involved can be gauged from the fact that each of the 31 trains for InterCity 's newly-electrified east coast main line cost £6m
15 An indication of the expectations the Act has aroused among fund managers can be gauged from the fact that , just over a year ago , merchant bankers Kleinwort Benson decided to bring together previously dispersed skills and set up a specialised division , headed by Rupert Marlow , to look after their charities fund management .
16 Some idea as to the value of the tournament , not only to Key Biscayne but also to the City of Miami , can be gauged from the fact that the tournament alone books 8,000 bed nights in local hotels for players etc , officials and media .
17 The depth of the crisis can be gauged from the fact that the minister ( José Antonio Girón ) was a hard-line Falangist not given to either reformist " weakness " or left-wing sympathies .
18 The importance of locational specifications in general can be gauged from the fact that there seem to be two basic ways of referring to objects — by describing or naming them on the one hand , and by locating them on the other ( Lyons , 1977a : 648 ) .
19 Something of the difference between working for Dean or Balcon and for John Maxwell can be gleaned from the fact that denizens of the latter referred to BIP 's script department as the Borstal .
20 The level of safety in the workplace can be inferred from the fact that 20 per cent of the rise in death rates for men in their late thirties arise from ‘ accident ’ .
21 Thus , in our example earlier , Mrs. Jones 's assent can be inferred from the fact that she unlocked the coal house door .
22 The presence of these empty spaces can be inferred from the fact that when a polystyrene glass is dissolved in benzene there is a contraction in the total volume .
23 Negligence may be inferred from the fact that the product left the manufacturer in a defective state .
24 This may be appreciated from the fact that when ο is the geometric mean pulsatance , expression ( 12.43 ) is zero and therefore is unity or near unity .
25 The low status accorded to the work can not be divorced from the fact that so many of those who provide tending services are women .
26 However , this can not be divorced from the fact that , in the minds of the Soviet leadership , Soviet prestige had become inextricably linked to the fate of Cuba : ‘ One thought kept hammering away at my brain : what will happen if we lose Cuba ?
27 How successfully the leopard has adapted to a wide range of habitat may be judged from the fact that there are twenty-four different subspecies all of which differ only slightly in colouring or body size and shape .
28 This cam be adduced from the fact that their internal document , Ireland Today , speculated about the replacement of some of the leadership of the association at a future date .
29 This can be deduced from the fact that rocks of this age are typically red : the iron in them rusted , a process which can not occur without the presence of oxygen and water .
30 Comfort may be taken from the fact that elements of the system have been working successfully in many LEAs .
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