Example sentences of "[be] [verb] that [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The SS-1 supercomputer is nearly finished , but some parts still must be completed , the company told the Milwaukee Sentinel : ‘ In a very short period of time , we could be walking that machine out the door to a customer , ’ a spokesman told the Sentinel — ‘ It 's just a shame that IBM does n't have the vision they ought to have . ’
2 It will be seen that work on the new bore is well advanced in this view from 30th June 1951 .
3 Sometimes antibodies can be produced that bind to a virus but do not succeed in preventing it from entering and infecting cells ( called non-neutralising antibodies ) .
4 It should be noted that help from the Social Fund for funeral expenses is only available where there is insufficient money in the estate , and where the person making the arrangements is in receipt of income support , housing benefit or community charge benefit , or is the partner of someone receiving these benefits .
5 Exemplary material suggested in the interim history reports can be examined , and similar examples may be found that relate to the local area .
6 There are two ways in which cask beer can be stored that interfere with the vital secondary fermentation .
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