Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Using everyday objects , basic scientific principles can be explained even to the very young .
2 The converse , however , is the case , and the difference can probably be explained simply by the more widespread use of assay of α fetoprotein concentration during the period studied .
3 However , only two films and two make-up artists can be examined here in a little more detail : RoboCop ( Rob Bottin ) and George A Romero 's Day of the Dead ( 1985 , Tom Savini ) .
4 Thus children should be placed transracially at a very young age , so becoming ‘ white in all but skin colour ’ .
5 A publicly funded , public service organization such as the BBC would need to be treated differently from a privately owned quality paper or a Trust-owned Guardian .
6 Clearly , one of the invincible conventions of the ‘ Romance ’ label is that desire should not be consummated before at the very least a proposal of marriage has been secured by the heroine — ‘ the only pain permitted is the sweet pain of unfulfilled desire ’ …
7 He opposes this view , by arguing that Hardy 's so-called lapses of style can not be considered apart from a more general consideration of his strengths and weaknesses as a novelist .
8 The point will be of particular relevance in connection with causal sequences or causal chains , to be considered later in the most relevant context .
9 If crime and disorder follow a U-shape pattern of long-term change , the legitimacy of the police — the extent to which they are broadly accepted as valid in mission and methods — has followed an inverse path : an upside-down U. Starting from the widespread opposition encountered at the birth of the new police , opposition gradually came to be located primarily within the less ‘ respectable ’ sections of the working class , as well as in the wider working class during periods of labour conflict .
10 postmodernism is less liberating for some social groups than for others — though there is a point to be made here about the extremely close links between postmodernism as a general theoretical superstructure and camp as a specific homosexual practice .
11 It means that vital decisions have to be made quickly at an extremely difficult time for the mother , decisions which may have to be made from an ill-informed base .
12 Thus an interim payment will be made directly to a legally aided plaintiff .
13 We will be living together in a very small space .
14 Because potatoes do not absorb radioactive nucleotides , they are one of the few crops that could be grown safely in the heavily contaminated soils around Chernobyl .
15 The impression just described can be related moreover to the before/after idea which to has been seen to express in its other uses .
16 However , they will be presented here in a more general way that is also more appropriate in considering colliding wave solutions .
17 But they should be licensed and licences should be granted only under the most stringent conditions .
18 This new layout could not be dated precisely within the later first or early second century , though it may well have followed directly upon the final levelling of the military ditches , dated on pottery evidence to the late Flavian period .
19 Fourth and finally , the social composition of the Council — which had a tendency to be more upper class than the Assembly , and to be drawn more from the traditionally , almost professionally political families — must have inclined it to play the master not the servant .
20 Moreover , we do not wish to give the impression that the cello and bass always work in double harness : on the contrary , they can be used independently to a quite large extent , though discretion and careful thought are very necessary in this matter , since the basses when used alone tend to sound rather dry , and if their part lies low and is far removed in pitch from the rest of the harmony it is too indeterminate in pitch to give satisfactory support unless it consists of a sustained or better ( since the bow is short ) a reiterated pedal note .
21 Some observers say that charging on the basis of hours is too simple a method to be used exclusively in the increasingly complex business of auditing .
22 One familiar view is that nothing qualifies as a genuine proper name unless it singles out its object in an unambiguous fashion , and that this task can be accomplished only by a logically simple symbol .
23 Copulation surfaces once , only to be transformed immediately into a more familiar element :
24 But it remained uncertain whether they were strong enough to create conditions in which peace could be negotiated even on the most minimal of their terms .
25 Given the long-standing behavioural problems that the pupils attending these sites have set the teaching staff in schools , how is it that they can be brought together in a seemingly improbable admixture with the results , orderly and controlled , as described above ?
26 My whirlpool analogy can prove equally dangerous in its generalisation for there are innovators to be found even in the most remote schools .
27 Because of the population turnaround in many rural areas , the definition of a rural community in a widespread and confused literature has become an elusive concept ( Lewis , 1979 ) and although most parts of the UK have reached Time C in Figure 5.4a , some areas are characterized by a mixture of repopulation and depopulation in Zone III , and depopulation and repopulation in Zone II , so that the hallmarks of both the population and depopulation quadrants of Figure 5.4b can be found together in a very small area .
28 The extended families are split up as the men move first , to be followed only after a fairly long interval by wives and children and often never by other relatives .
29 The nature of this particular kind of identification and of the differences between the two versions can be illustrated even in the formally constructed prayerful episodes .
30 A spot can be generated directly without the normally preceding stages by a large localized disturbance , such as a rod or small jet momentarily injected through the wall or a small spark .
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