Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] a [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The era of the passive media consumer — or ‘ couch potato ’ — may be drawing to a close if they discoveries of the ingenious Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are any indication .
2 Sometimes the inlet pipe can be eased over a little and the overflow trimmed to suit .
3 Check , recharge and/or change as required any ion exchange media that you may be using on a frequent and routine basis .
4 However , the key to the avoidance of uncontrolled complexity in any engineering domain may be to go for a complete and as rigorous as possible a description of the problem in hand before any detailed calculations are made on the precise properties of the postulated design .
5 It was because the economy was as yet exhibiting a modest rate of overall growth ( by modern standards ) that investment could be undertaken on a private and regional basis with the state 's role confined to that of legal enablement .
6 This anomaly can be explained by a strong but short telemagmatic heating event , with coalification having preceded porosity loss of the reservoir rocks , and/or by fracture porosity gained through tectonic disturbance of the rocks .
7 Obviously the leaders of major organisations can not spend much of their time in schools , but their occasional visits would complement the very valuable support which can be given on a regular and consistent basis by businesses and people who work within them .
8 The question of whether warranties should be given on a joint and/or several basis is less likely to be relevant when dealing with an asset sale ( where the contracting vendor will usually be a company ) as opposed to a share sale ( when individual shareholders will often be asked to give warranties ) .
9 It may however be relevant where the vendor is a partnership in which case each partner will be asked to provide the warranties and , in such circumstance , the purchaser will want them to be given on a joint and several basis .
10 Any such takeover policy must deal in a coherent manner with three essential legal issues , which must be formed into a consistent and effective system to have the necessary business objectives .
11 The Parliament now proposes , and the Council of Ministers has agreed , that an SE may be formed by a public or private company by merging or forming a holding company , or indeed , if it has a presence in more than one Member State , by transforming itself into an SE .
12 Instead , a red quark has to be joined to a green and a blue quark by a " string " of gluons ( red + green + blue white ) .
13 Charles … allowed himself for the sake of a few thousand pounds to be regarded as a greedy and litigious landlord rather than as a just ruler or as a national king .
14 This demonstrates that criticism can no longer be regarded as a straightforward and unproblematic response to a given work of art .
15 But it adds : ‘ Recourse to formal dispute arrangements should be regarded as a rare and serious event ’ .
16 And the Secretary of State had declared what might otherwise be regarded as a powerful if not irresistible force would be met by the immovable object of US resolution .
17 It seems or it seemed to us till lately — a natural thing that love ( under certain conditions ) should be regarded as a noble and ennobling passion : it is only if we imagine ourselves trying to explain this doctrine to Aristotle , Virgil , St Paul , or the author of Beomuy , that we become aware how far from natural it is .
18 Should a man 's life succeed in influencing and converting others then that might be regarded as a true and valid form of evangelism .
19 He said that it should not be regarded as a luxury but used for education , rural development and economic reform : the time had come , he said , ‘ for television to change its outlook in this country in order to suit the requirements of a developing country like Zambia ’ .
20 The establishment of a locally-based subsidiary company will commonly be regarded by a foreign or multinational holding company as a sensible and effective way of carrying out the business of the latter company ; but the English courts will see it differently .
21 The facts of British intervention round the globe could , in his brief , be treated with a confident and ( for many decades ) an acceptable blend of sturdy patriotic fervour and romantic exhilaration .
22 It is believed that this is the first such interchange to be arranged between a British or a European social research group and one in the People 's Republic of China .
23 Similarly , immense skill and sensitivity are required on the part of the teacher , if very young children 's natural enthusiasms for story structures and role-play are to be developed into a full and active engagement with a constantly expanding range of texts or literary genres .
24 This could be construed as a tailor-made curriculum , which can not be developed into a generic or core curriculum .
25 In other words , statutory interventions , whether or not they were justified on legal grounds , needed to be located in a moral and human framework of compassion , care , and empathy .
26 Rural institutions and local government in rural areas often tend to be dominated by a powerful and unrepresentative minority which represents its own interests rather than those of the majority .
27 This is a remarkably brief document , providing so far as service of documents is concerned for letters of request to be addressed by a diplomatic or consular officer of the requesting state to the competent authority of the requested state , and for the execution of any request the authenticity of which was not in doubt unless the requested state considered that this would be contrary to its public policy .
28 A ley , by definition , is a temporary sward of chosen species of grasses , clovers , and herbs which may be designed for a short or long term .
29 Section 4(2) of the Public Order Act 1986 extends the old Section 5 breach of the peace offence by providing : An offence under this section may be committed in a public or a private place , except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used , or the writing , sign or other visible representation is distributed or displayed , by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or another dwelling .
30 This point means that under Section 5(2) and ( 3 ) an offence under this section may be committed in a public or private place , except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used , or the writing , sign or other visible representation is displayed by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or another dwelling .
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