Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He meant by this that the areas of colour in his painting were not to be blended by the eye but were to be seen as acting on each other reciprocally , thus producing pictorial form and space .
2 Since a share is a financial claim on the firm 's real wealth in the form of its physical assets , the economic earnings of a share are defined as the maximum amount of real resources that can be withdrawn from the share and used for real consumption without impairing the ability of the share to deliver real consumption in the future .
3 Editor , — Albert Figueras and colleagues suggest that gangliosides can be withdrawn from the market because their efficacy is not clearly delineated .
4 Where there is uncertainty about the financial information in the target 's most recently published financial statements , any important factors must be highlighted by the board and the financial adviser .
5 Problems are sometimes difficult to spot and are certainly unlikely to be highlighted by the vendor or his solicitor .
6 Then the odd whitewashed marshland cottage stands strangely palpable , as if it could be plucked from the scene and held for ever .
7 It never occurred to me that something quite extraordinary must be implicated in the charter if George Crowninshield was willing to pay such an egregious price for an out-of-season charter .
8 Both can be implicated in the crime and convicted .
9 It is just because whatever one has planned to do is bound to be altered in the process that it is important to start at the right moment , he wrote .
10 What Gandhi may be suggesting by the statement that the road one takes is unimportant provided the goal is achieved is that too much importance can be attached to particular religions , especially when it might result in exclusivist claims being made on behalf of those religions .
11 But it must be recognized at the outset that as soon as sampling is carried out the statements made about the cases involved become probability statements .
12 Thus period costs will be recognized in the profit and loss account in the accounting period when they are incurred .
13 ( 3 ) That on the taking of the said accounts and inquiry costs of and incidental to proceedings on an indemnity basis are not to be disallowed on the ground that an order has already been made for costs of and incidental to those proceedings to be taxed on a standard basis unless it should appear that in making the said order the court intended thereby to deprive the defendants of the right to add those costs or some part thereof to the mortgage security .
14 But such pain and sadness would be eased by the mega-fortune that the phetam would bring .
15 One of the reasons for using a recognition task was that it seemed less likely than the first study which used a recall test to be biased by the fact that subjects were aware that the study was concerned with risk .
16 Work for the degree of MPhil and PhD may be undertaken in the Unit as well as in the main department .
17 Although the communiqué stressed that NATO should " deepen its dialogue " with eastern Europe , it left open the question of whether such dialogue would be undertaken by the alliance or by individual members .
18 Nevertheless , at some future data an exercise would be undertaken by the Organization and Methods section to examine the feasibility of using one document to produce the updating information required by both the Payroll Master File and the PMIS .
19 From 1993/94 , the planning of computing expenditure will be undertaken by the Information and Central Services Planning Unit , within the Garden 's planning cycle .
20 THE BRITISH are said to be fascinated by the weather and talk of little else when the talk is small .
21 The reason for prescribing this medication , and the plan for its use should be explained to the patient and agreed upon before a prescription is supplied .
22 Each kind of bulb has its own particular planting depth , which should be explained on the packaging or in the catalogue .
23 McCutcheon can be explained on the basis that the terms of previous contracts had not been consistent .
24 The three properties can be explained on the assumption that a synapse will be potentiated if , and only if , it is active at a time when the region of dendrite on which it terminates is sufficiently depolarized .
25 Rather there is an essential assumption of that basic face-to-face conversational context in which all humans acquire language , or as Lyons ( 1977a : 637-8 ) has put it rather more precisely : The grammaticalization and lexicalization of deixis is best understood in relation to what may be termed the canonical situation of utterance : this involves one-one , or one-many , signalling in the phonic medium along the vocal-auditory channel , with all the participants present in the same actual situation able to see one another and to perceive the associated non-vocal paralinguistic features of their utterances , and each assuming the role of sender and receiver in turn There is much in the structure of languages that can only be explained on the assumption that they have developed for communication in face-to-face interaction .
26 It can be explained by the fact that so much of Western life in the later part of the twentieth century is geared to groups and families , partnerships and couples .
27 The food is delicious : home-baked bread , cakes and pastries , the excellence of which can be explained by the fact that John and Polly were both bakers in John 's father 's business .
28 Thus , the achievements of white working class pupils — children whose parents are manual workers — are much closer to those of Afro-Caribbean pupils , and it is arguable that the findings of Rampton , Swann and similar investigations can be explained by the fact that a larger proportion of Afro-Caribbeans than whites are working class , and are likely to be earning less and living in worse housing than whites , as documented earlier in this chapter ( Brown , 1984 ; Reeves and Chevannes , 1981 ) .
29 Some of the similarities between the East Asian and the pre-Columbian American civilisations can be explained by the fact that people may have moved across the bridge of land which connected north-east Asia to north-west America 15,000 or more years ago .
30 I suggest that the discrepancy between the climate modelling results which indicate seasonal temperature extremes , and the increasing body of geological information documenting a temperate climate , may be explained by the fact that the palaeogeography used in the models does not take into account the existence of these lakes and rivers , which would have had a major influence on the regional climate .
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