Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a case where the driver 's option is to be explained to him under section 8(2) , the driver should be told that if he exercises the right to have a replacement specimen taken under section 7(4) , it will be for the constable to decide whether that specimen is to be of blood or urine and , if the constable intends to require a specimen of blood to be taken by a medical practitioner , the driver should be told that his only right to object to giving blood and to give urine instead will be for medical reasons to be determined by the medical practitioner .
2 And the ones that did are completely bewildered at the siege of journalists outside and everything has to be explained to them in words of one syllable .
3 The Secretary of State may receive representations in the light of which he may decide to require a particular application to be referred to him for decision .
4 Looking back into the past , people are eager for an explanation to be given to them by Thames and I do think that people do n't feel that 's what they 've had so far .
5 He thought that precisely because it was impossible for the human mind to construct an idea of God from its inherent mental resources , such an idea could only be given to it by revelation — in other words directly implanted by God Himself .
6 In the event of over-funding occurring , whether from a free-standing or company AVC , the surplus will simply be refunded to you in cash , minus the tax relief involved .
7 Christien knows Tony and Tracey and mum Sheila will be rooting for him on Monday night when the series starts .
8 ‘ In the first place , there is the doctrine , which may now perhaps be regarded as a rule of evidence , that , if a voluntary disposition in favour of the husband is impeached , the burden of establishing that it was not improperly or unfairly procured may be placed upon him by proof of circumstances raising any doubt or suspicion .
9 If the trustees have power to pay or do in fact pay capital transfer tax due on assets which the settlor puts into the settlement the Revenue have taken the view that the settlor has thereby an interest in the income or property of the settlement , and that the income of the settlement should be treated as his for income tax purposes under [ TA 1988 Part XV ] .
10 Stanley was also an able stuccoist , but , as with his sculptural works , little can as yet be assigned to him with certainty until the 1740s .
11 The professor shall have the charge of such laboratory or department and of such collections as may be assigned to him by decree , and shall make provision for the lighting , warming , water-supply , and cleansing of the buildings assigned to him .
12 They have had no opportunity whatsoever to hear the nature of the point which is due to be considered by you in relation to these submissions , and I think that it would be in the interests of public understanding of this case were they enabled to hear .
13 I assure my hon. Friend the Member for Croydon , North-West ( Mr. Malins ) that an examination of other elected assemblies which can be paralleled to ours in Europe , America or elsewhere shows that we in the British House of Commons spend three , four or even five times longer debating legislation .
14 The congratulatory letter should be addressed to him at Turnbull Hall .
15 Letters to the Editor should be addressed to him at Convocation Office on the understanding that they may be edited .
16 Letters to the Editor should be addressed to him at Convocation Office on the understanding that they may be edited .
17 However , the issue of the relationship between classical deterrence and interactionist ‘ labelling ’ clearly needs further attention , and I will be returning to it in Chapter 8 .
18 We had next to none when I was at drama school and young actors need to know more about what will be expected of them on film sets and television studios .
19 In spite of much justifiable criticism , the Flory-Huggins theory can still generate considerable interest because of the limited amount of success which can be claimed for it in relation to phase equilibria studies .
20 She had , of late , felt herself uncannily able to predict the next word , the next move , in any dialogue : she could hear and take in three conversations at once : she could see remotely as through a two-way mirror the private lives of her patients , sometimes of her friends : she had felt reality to be revealed to her at times in flashes beyond even the possibility of rational calculation : had felt in danger ( why danger ? ) of too much knowledge , of a kind of powerlessness and sadness that is born of knowledge : for these reasons , perhaps , was it that she had decided to multiply the possibilities so recklessly , to construct a situation beyond her own grasping ?
21 Your colleague , Mr L K Engels , has written to Simon Murison-Bowie requesting a copy of the OALDCE 3/e Electronic computer tape to be prepared for you on VM/CMS at 1600 bpi .
22 The pace of legislative change in recent years has been relentless and advice workers need to be prepared for it in advance .
23 The heads of agreement will be prepared by us in consultattion with you and will set out the principal terms such as the definition of profits for the purpose of the multiplier .
24 Book loans to registered students can only be made to them in person , or on written application , if they quote their registration number .
25 The truth is , few people believe that revelations are going to be made to them in dreams — and even on the rare occasions that an individual really felt a dream was of overwhelming " significance " , the so-called dream-books could only taken in the most gullible .
26 Where after a full dissolution the winding up of the practice is in the hands of some only of the former partners an allowance may be made to them in recognition of their efforts before the net profits are determined for the purposes of this section or otherwise .
27 He fears the demands that will be made on him for reparation and ‘ the punishment and revenge that may fall on him .
28 Consider a fictitious part that might be made on them in order to go through the network .
29 Fortunately , telecommunication technology is developing almost as fast as silicon chip technology and is expected to be able to meet the demands that will be made on it by computers and microelectronics over the next few years .
30 As the pattern of industrial life goes on and the health of the nation enables people to live longer , the number of retired people will increase and new , attractive facilities will have to be made for them in Britain , or they will be lured away to live on the continent of Europe and spend their money there .
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