Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [to-vb] the [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , an analysis of strategic actions uncovered in existing competition policy cases in the UK , EC and US will be undertaken to highlight the problems that strategic behaviour poses .
2 Wood and damp treatment guarantees and any service agreements should be examined to see the conditions and exclusions .
3 Resources have also to be diverted to strengthen the police and para-military forces who need to be used to subdue the language rioters .
4 Having expressed the main factors about the situation in rich picture form , the analysts than considered viewpoints that were relevant , and the systems that might be developed to explore the issues that had been uncovered .
5 However , before disabled people can even begin to consider training schemes or employment , many hurdles have to be approached to weigh the disadvantages and advantages .
6 The presence of teenager Kevin Thomas in the Hearts ' squad may be designed to supply the goals that tend to elude them at Broomfield .
7 The judiciary and magistrates are of course drawn predominantly from the middle and upper classes ( see Box 1987 , p. 134–135 ) and as such can be expected to reflect the beliefs and prejudices of their class .
8 As a new care assistant , by the end of the ten weeks , you would be expected to know the aims and objectives of the Home and your role within it .
9 Students will be expected to identify the strengths and weaknesses in their contribution to the investigation and to comment on their personal feelings and reactions and on the value of the learning gained to their personal and social development .
10 In future , companies will be expected to meet the deadlines as interpreted by Dodds v Walker .
11 It is in these areas that the cooperation with local elected officials is closest , for they must take part in deciding what facilities are to be built to receive the workers and their families and how to finance them , then take charge of the running of the collective facilities , decide how to allocate the proceeds of the business tax , and so on .
12 General Alexander and his troops carried out a magnificent fighting retreat and held up the Japanese advance until the rains broke , thus saving four months ' valuable time in which preparations could be made to repel the Japs if they attempted to invade India .
13 A story ballet demands that the circumstances and events occurring as the plot unfolds will be seen to affect the lives and personalities of the characters involved and that dance and gesture will express moods ' emotions and action .
14 The novels enjoyed a limited success , but because most novelists were concerned at the time to redefine the relation of the individual to society in terms of changing values , it was all too easy for readers to focus on the social dimension of Brooke-Rose 's fiction and to overlook those aspects which can in retrospect be seen to prefigure the problems and techniques of her later work .
15 ‘ Much remains to be done to grasp the opportunities that will arise , but I believe that we have made real progress in starting to do just that . ’
16 But this only confirmed the importance of AFHQ 's view , reflecting that of Churchill , that nothing should be done to provoke the Yugoslavs or exacerbate the tense situation until all military preparations had been made for full-scale action if necessary .
17 In consultation with Associate Producer Mervyn Pinfield , who would direct the first four episodes , Whitaker won an agreement that everything should be done to portray the Sensorites as timid , sympathetic creatures , leaving true villainy to the beast present , if mostly dormant , in the hearts of men .
18 We will set up a working party to examine what more can be done to protect the police and members of other emergency services from assault .
19 For those familiar with the linking method of sewing seams that method can be used to join the pieces and no doubt the machine provides suitable instructions .
20 Answer guide : This point should be used to illustrate the problems that arise when a trading cycle does not fit neatly into one year .
21 They can be used to trace the outlines and details of objects or shapes from books , for transferring your own free-hand designs , and for geometric shapes that need to be repeated exactly on the cake or icing .
22 These are added up , and the customer pays one-twelfth of the total into a separate account each month , which can be used to pay the bills as they arise .
23 I shall answer his question directly : we do not believe that the information should be denied to parents , but we believe that crude performance tables should not be used to distort the choices that parents make between different schools in Scotland , as would be the case if the Bill were implemented .
24 Where do you think that more money needs to be spent ? erm well , the government are in the process of launching a massive new initiative called Care in the Community erm I 'm afraid a lot of people working in my neck of the woods find this rather well not amusing , but erm it 's slightly hysterically amusing , because the amount of money that would be needed to fund the projects that are identified as being necessary is enormous , and the government is in no way going to be putting up that sort of funds erm so it comes down to money , and particularly in this community care area .
25 Growth may be needed to keep the shareholders and stock analysts happy otherwise the share price might decline .
26 Children should be enabled to understand the codes and conventions by which meanings are represented in documentary and fictional accounts , narrative and argumentative texts , and so on .
27 A teenager whose parent is her ‘ best friend ’ may be failing to find the friends that she should have among her peers and those outside the family group .
28 Men and women , therefore , had to work out their salvation in a particular religious perspective and the original faith had to be adapted to meet the inclinations and spiritual gifts of all its members .
29 It may however be relevant where the vendor is a partnership in which case each partner will be asked to provide the warranties and , in such circumstance , the purchaser will want them to be given on a joint and several basis .
30 Yes , Euro Cities is an organisation of Brussels but it must not be allowed to dominate the proceedings and massage and manage the cities .
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