Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [to-vb] the [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 We should be helping to conserve the environment and discouraging the unnecessary destruction of trees . ’
2 Wood and damp treatment guarantees and any service agreements should be examined to see the conditions and exclusions .
3 Resources have also to be diverted to strengthen the police and para-military forces who need to be used to subdue the language rioters .
4 Nor could I believe that it was the intention to bring in at a single stroke a charge to tax that would be calculated to interrupt the education and expectations of so many parents and children , for it is surely common knowledge that the provision of free or subsidised education for the children of those teaching in independent schools was part of their usual terms of employment and that the salaries paid would be wholly insufficient to meet a charge to tax based on the full fees of the school .
5 While the centre rectangle has the ‘ grain' in-line with the edges , each of the triangles which will be joined to make the head and foot will have their ‘ grain' running at right angles ( and parallel to ) the edges .
6 The yeast would be manipulated to express the gene and to manufacture the enzyme in large quantities , and eventually be able to thrive on hexachlorobenzene and other offending compounds .
7 Communities must be taught to celebrate the complexity and diversity , the many stories , which the past has brought into the present .
8 Therefore ( I ) Let a child , from a year old , be taught to fear the rod and to cry softly .
9 The drive mechanism could be disconnected to allow the plough and rotors to be removed , freeing the tractor unit for other work .
10 However , before disabled people can even begin to consider training schemes or employment , many hurdles have to be approached to weigh the disadvantages and advantages .
11 When this process is complete the banks or capital markets can then be approached to provide the finance and any appropriate financial instruments to meet the company 's specification .
12 They already knew that he was a man who could not be trusted to preserve the Union and to safeguard the social superiority of Protestant culture .
13 Only the Conservatives can be trusted to maintain the quality and capability of our Armed Forces .
14 Discussion with the local agency should be instituted to establish the range and level of service which could be expected .
15 The dry-ice pellets can vary in size , density , and hardness ( for the nuclear waste job , they are the size of rice grains ) ; the spray-gun nozzle can be designed to vary the flow and pressure of the stream .
16 It is hoped that this meagre expedition into social history may provide at least some indication of the extent to which each decade has bred people of differing outlook on sexuality and an indication of the way in which different styles of upbringing and ways of social thinking in the childhood years of successive decades might be expected to affect the outlook and tolerance of adults throughout the varying age groups of society .
17 The judiciary and magistrates are of course drawn predominantly from the middle and upper classes ( see Box 1987 , p. 134–135 ) and as such can be expected to reflect the beliefs and prejudices of their class .
18 As a new care assistant , by the end of the ten weeks , you would be expected to know the aims and objectives of the Home and your role within it .
19 Students will be expected to identify the strengths and weaknesses in their contribution to the investigation and to comment on their personal feelings and reactions and on the value of the learning gained to their personal and social development .
20 The BGS must be informed in writing , under the Mining Industry Act 1926 , of the sinking of boreholes or shafts exceeding 30 m in depth ; records of the operation , including drill logs , must be kept , and the BGS must be permitted to inspect the operation and remove representative samples if it so wishes .
21 The sections below discuss the goals of undergraduate electronic publishing courses , and attempt to show how their content can be tailored to exploit the background and knowledge of computer science students .
22 It is in these areas that the cooperation with local elected officials is closest , for they must take part in deciding what facilities are to be built to receive the workers and their families and how to finance them , then take charge of the running of the collective facilities , decide how to allocate the proceeds of the business tax , and so on .
23 Arrangements will need to be made to enable the index and the file to be kept up-to-date .
24 It is unlikely that any attempt will be made to recover the tent and seats , as this could cost more than they are worth .
25 It would allow contingency plans to be made to protect the public and it would apply just as much to a series of one-day strikes as a set-piece conflict .
26 So we should be looking to take the initiative and , in a controlled manner , working as a team with our suppliers and ensuring they know exactly what we want .
27 An attempt was made to preserve a sense of the large , formerly unitary space of the mill 's second storey which had had to be subdivided to create the dining- and food preparation rooms , by ‘ unifying ’ the stair hall and dining-room through very large sliding doors which formed the end panels of the dining-room rear wall .
28 A story ballet demands that the circumstances and events occurring as the plot unfolds will be seen to affect the lives and personalities of the characters involved and that dance and gesture will express moods ' emotions and action .
29 They must been seen , their decisions must be seen to reflect the interest and wishes of members currently employed in the section , and as we have always believed industrial and negotiating policy is best made by members at work in the sector who feel the day to day pressures , know what is going on , motion one one one A seeks to ensure that this will happen .
30 More simply , the similarity transformations can be seen to describe the growth and form of mollusc shells ( Figure 3b ) .
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