Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [conj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many drugs have had to be withdrawn because of the ill-effects in humans which did not show up in animal tests .
2 He kept up this sort of thing a while longer , but I refused to be provoked and in the end he had to let me go .
3 ADT , the race organisers , said last night that the race route would not be altered because of the blast .
4 If the court takes the view that the meeting was not a reasonable step in the action but was merely done for the client 's benefit , then the costs will be disallowed as against the defendants .
5 ( ii ) County court staff should be again reminded of the urgency with which the documentation of contempt cases should be undertaken and of the need to comply strictly with the rules and that service of committal orders should always be made personally on the contemnor .
6 ( 1 ) Court staff should once again be reminded of the urgency with which the documentation of contempt cases should be undertaken and of the need to comply strictly with the rules .
7 provide a full and clear brief of the work to be undertaken and of the deliverables .
8 Third , some analysis will be undertaken as to the role played by photography in forming and reinforcing these expectations of the environment .
9 It should be explained that between the ages of twelve and thirty the union of the epiphyses of most of the long bones with the shafts takes place , and by the age of twenty-four most of the epiphyses have united .
10 He feared that another show , arranged for him through the Lefevre Gallery , at Durlacher Bros , 11 East 57th Street , New York , would also have to be delayed as by the end of the summer he had not done enough work .
11 Two of the three patients who were found to have coeliac disease were over 70 years old suggesting that this diagnosis should not be dismissed because of the patients age when iron deficiency is being investigated .
12 However , this was not to be since their drains were either late , abandoned , or non-existent , while promises of building sites were made and then had to be broken because of the absence of drains !
13 After talks with BR 's Chairman , Peter Parker , we agreed that the sensible way forward was for a new company , British Rail Investments , to be formed and for the subsidiaries to be transferred to the private sector , with the proceeds going to British Rail .
14 A request under the Convention was received in England from the Sandefjord City Court , Norway , asking that a director and a senior employee of a London merchant bank be examined as to the ownership and control of certain assets and of a charitable trust said to control those assets .
15 Every individual and group member of the Society shall be entitled to one vote for each vacancy to be filled and in the case of two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes , the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote .
16 Every individual and group member of the Society shall be entitled to one vote for each vacancy to be filled and in the case of two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes , the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote .
17 Every member of the Society shall be entitled to one vote for each vacancy to be filled and in the case of two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes , the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote .
18 We might even be justified as regarding the end of each sentence as the point at which the sender assesses the effect on a potential receiver , imagines a reply , and adjusts the next sentence accordingly .
19 The Mexican Minister of Commerce and Industrial Development , Jaime Serra Puche , accepted that legislative proceedings on the final treaty would probably not be completed until after the November 1992 US elections .
20 They differ in that in the case of prepayments the exact amount is known and has been paid although the services have yet to be received whereas in the case of an accrual the service has been received but has not been paid for and we have to estimate the amount due .
21 Outside cowbells can be heard and in the distance a group of Masai enters the landscape driving their animals ; despite the fierce colours of their robes , completely at home in this brown and ochre world .
22 One local SD report stated frankly that after the November speech hostile opinion could hardly be registered because of the fear ‘ of being brought to reckoning ’ .
23 England and South Africa officials were last night negotiating to see if ‘ God Save The Queen ’ , originally omitted from the Twickenham song-sheet at the request of the SARU , can be reinstated because of the dismay and fury among England supporters .
24 The 1914 Illuminations had to be stopped because of the outbreak of the First World War , and it was 1925 when they were revived by popular demand .
25 By this dogma , Conrad 's novels should be regarded as outside the conventions of the adventure genre because of the dominance of self-analysis in them .
26 So the section provides : Where land or any heritable interest therein has become partnership property , it shall , unless the contrary intention appears , be treated as between the partners ( including the representatives of a deceased partner ) and also as between the heirs of a deceased partner and his executors or administrators , as personal or moveable and not real or heritable property .
27 ( a ) The provision of article 10(1) ( e ) in the Convention on the Law applicable to Contractual Obligations 1980 ( ‘ the Rome Convention ’ ) , enacted into English law by the Contracts ( Applicable Law ) Act 1990 , that the law applicable to a contract shall govern , inter alia , ‘ the consequences of nullity of the contract , ’ supports the view that on the proper independent interpretation of article 5(1) the consequences of nullity must be treated as within the scope of the phrase ‘ matters relating to a contract . ’
28 In the course of talk our actions can be redefined and in the process are transformed .
29 The MMC proposed a behavioural remedy , that in their agreements with manufacturers , franchised dealers be allowed to advertise outside their designated territories and to acquire dealerships outside that territory , and not be limited as to the number of cars they may sell .
30 Officials of the inquiry and MPs immediately called for the extradition of Klebeck to be considered and for the inquiry to be reconstituted to look at wartime crimes in the Channel Islands .
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