Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Belief in the power of such plants can be traced back to the time of the Druids ; it was certainly part of the belief system of the Celtic peoples , and although it may not be voiced so explicitly as it once was , yet the custom of planting and preserving this special tree is still continued by some people .
2 Their heritage can be traced back to the time of the destruction of the Temple in 586 BC , when the Jews were taken captive into exile by the Babylonians .
3 Rug-making in the Balkans can be traced back to the time when the peninsula was under the control of the Turkish empire .
4 The chart needs to be filled in at the time the child eats as retrospective memory is unreliable .
5 The welfare point is a little complicated , because of course you have to catch up the dogs , and many of those dogs will be killed , but the dogs can be treated well during the time they are held .
6 Planning requires the identification of tasks and matching the means with which they may be carried out in the time available and under the conditions prevailing .
7 The Bank would require £5 to be written off at the time of sale and if the £5 was not injected as cash on day one , would even disallow the sale treatment .
8 One difficulty with testing recognition memory is that inferences might be made only at the time of the recognition test .
9 In many cases the husband and wife will be living apart at the time of the court order , or at a time when agreement is reached between them concerning the former matrimonial home , in circumstances that are likely to prove permanent .
10 He had only to pick one of them up to be transported back to the time and place of its acquisition .
11 And who can say what will be going on by the time you read these words ?
12 ’ You 'd be locked away in no time at all .
13 Three of the four students not looking for employment and without plans to continue their studies would be travelling overseas for a time before commencing job search .
14 They can only be set aside for a time .
15 Somervillians in the area will be hearing more nearer the time .
16 This enabled the movements of Filden I to be monitored closely from the time she left Dieppe .
17 ‘ Given the present and foreseeable state of fishery resources in the Community and the degree to which fishing fleets have so far been restructured , the full-scale liberalisation of the activities of undertakings must be ruled out for the time being …
18 This may be taken either at the time of your child 's birth or during the weeks following , for example , when the mother and baby leave hospital .
19 Chamberlain coughed politely and said he was sure it would be cleared up by the time he took over .
20 Chamberlain coughed politely and said he was sure it would be cleared up by the time he took over .
21 ‘ You 'll be snapped up in no time . ’
22 Whether this lesion should be biopsied percutaneously at the time of initial imaging remains controversial .
23 Is the surgeon to be remunerated purely on a time basis ? …
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