Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] a high [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , involvement of major neurovascular structures and bone can also be diagnosed with a high degree of accuracy .
2 The different methods of communicating the USP of different types of product are termed communication strata ; a product with a simple USP can be communicated through a low communication stratum , whereas a product with a complex USP can best be communicated through a high communication stratum .
3 In South Wales the gastric cancer registration rates in miners are higher than in England , and it has been suggested that coal miners in urban areas should be considered as a high risk group suitable to be screened for the disease by the instigation of dyspepsia clinics .
4 Cripps 's message was clear : the living conditions of many gypsies was scandalous , and no improvement in the slow rate of progress could be expected without a high level of commitment by central government .
5 The diagnosis may be made with a high degree of accuracy from the clinical appearance of the lesions , and this can be confirmed by growing the virus in the laboratory on developing hens ' eggs .
6 The work must be done to a high standard as the Firm 's fee may depend on the asking price being achieved .
7 This company is well-known to us , and they know our equipment , and we are satisfied that any after-sales service work they carry out for us will be done to a high standard .
8 It is very tempting to suppose that the lack of any such reliable signals , and the perilously low level of security often reached in human communities , must be connected with a high level of conceptual and , in particular , predictive thought , and also an associated capacity for deceit .
9 From 1624 to 1640 Dutton bought up the land round Sherborne Park in order to create a deer park , to be enclosed by a high wall .
10 All of the birds appeared to be heading towards a high headland far across on the other side of the bay and , according to our map , this headland was called Fuglafjell — ‘ bird mountain' .
11 It provides an opportunity for the docklands to be redeveloped as a high quality , high density part of the city itself .
12 However , the evolution of complex living creatures ( not just humans ) would be based on a high information content greater than could be found , say , in the bacteria of the atmosphere of the Jovian planets .
13 Although the range of facilities and services may be smaller , they may be provided to a high standard .
14 If the left ventricular ejection fraction is less than 40% and the patient responds to intravenous procainamide a suppressive oral drug regimen will be found in a high percentage of patients .
15 You are never far away from the decision-making in this kind of work , so you learn how to manage a whole range of areas and can be involved at a high level relatively quickly . ’
16 However , by using a good catalyst a reaction can be run at a high rate and at a lower temperature , thus saving energy .
17 It can be caused by a high level of oxygen in premature babies , but it can occur without artificial administration of oxygen .
18 These findings reaffirm the maxim that patients with adult onset ‘ coeliac ’ disease who show a poor response to treatment or who deteriorate when receiving treatment should be viewed with a high degree of suspicion .
19 The need for flexibility also implies equipping the men with the best weapons , so R&D must be continued at a high level .
20 This means that among women a relatively large amount of /a/ backing is more likely to be associated with a high level of integration into the network than is the case among men — a relationship analysed by Spearman 's Rank Order Correlation ( L. Milroy , 1987 : 155 ) .
21 So , for a given level of inflationary expectations , say zero , a high rate of inflation will be associated with a low level of unemployment and a low level of inflation will be associated with a high level of unemployment ; that is , there will exist a stable Phillips curve .
22 A key question concerns the types of social contact that may be associated with a high risk of transmission of P cepacia .
23 These areas tended to be socially deprived , with more unemployment , more manual workers , etc. , i.e. those characteristics that tend to be associated with a high offender rate .
24 For many people , particularly those brought up under the sway of the Judeo-Christian religions , physical control of emotional expression is learnt at an early age , and by adulthood can be practised to a high level of subtlety and skill .
25 The decision as to how detailed a breakdown of costs is required is crucial and should only be taken at a high level in the management structure .
26 As a result US interest rates had to be kept at a high level .
27 Maternal phenylketonuria is an important problem since the advantages of screening in one generation could be lost in the next unless preventive treatment can be implemented in a high proportion of affected women .
28 Leave must be obtained from a High Court judge before any prosecution can be brought in relation to an article in a newspaper or periodical .
29 However , if the Revenue 's approach represents a new hardening of attitudes that will affect all small family companies , then this matter ought to be explored at a high level by the appropriate professional body or be taken through the courts by a consortium of practitioners .
30 Such contracts are appropriate because the timing and level of the peak can be determined with a high degree of certainty .
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