Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Once filed an application can only be withdrawn with the leave of the court ( FPCR , r5(1) ; FPR , r4.5(1) ) .
2 A petition can not be withdrawn without the leave of the court ( s 266(2) ) and leave will not be given before the petition is heard ( r 6.32(3) ) .
3 On 3 May he protested that Alexander 's troops were entering areas already liberated by his forces , and requested that these should be withdrawn behind the line of the river Isonzo .
4 He further announced on Jan. 29 , 1990 , that 2,750 military and civilian personnel ( including their dependants ) would be withdrawn from a number of bases in the United Kingdom and elsewhere ( for other announcements of US defence expenditure cuts and for European concerns about reduced US miliary commitment to Europe see p. 37226 ) .
5 On March 26 Zorig , the MDU leader , called for all Soviet advisors to be withdrawn from the Ministry of Defence and Public Security and from the Planning Commission .
6 A briefing paper presented to him on Dec. 18 , 1989 , by comparison , had argued that anything up to 80,000 Pacific-based US personnel could be withdrawn by the end of fiscal 1994 , saving around $3,600 million , and that two light infantry divisions on standby postings in Alaska and Hawaii could also safely be withdrawn .
7 Germany 's particular concern was the 275,000 Soviet troops still stationed there and due to be withdrawn by the end of 1994 .
8 In June Lithuanians had voted overwhelmingly for Russian troops to be withdrawn by the end of 1992 ; Latvia and Estonia had reportedly also made the same demand .
9 This networking of previously lone individuals and groups will be highlighted through a number of networking facilities including the innovative Networking Game .
10 Money Any blunders you make will be highlighted at the end of the month , so be extra careful , especially if you are in charge of other people 's cash .
11 Brim 's translation ‘ You will be smitten with the Egyptian dermatitis , characterized by swellings , dry crusts , and ulcers , from which you will never be healed , and the Lord shall smite you in the knees , and in the legs , with a sore botch that can not be healed from the sole of thy foot to the top of thy head ’ not only gives a description that would do very well for syphilis but also pre-empts the habit of the fifteenth-century Europeans of ascribing the disease to the enemy .
12 The limestone scars seen on the left during the ascent here give place to a moorland shelf inclined at an easier gradient which , on investigation , is found to be perforated by a line of potholes .
13 I recognise that it may also be tinged with a note of bias , for I passionately believe with the project organisers that school and community are parallel and co-operative agencies in the education of young children , and that to establish understanding , as well as to promote real creativity , children should begin reading and learning in the language they speak at home .
14 this action is impossible if you either a ) do not hold the latch tool correctly ( the handle of the tool should be resting in the palm of your hand with the thumb uppermost and on top of the latch area of the tool ) or b ) if you do not apply some downward pressure to the knitted fabric with your free hand .
15 These , and other changes , all contributed to the doubling of productivity within those six years , and he is optimistic that it could be trebled as a result of the fast , electronic and computer assisted information that is now available .
16 Mr Bent says the scheme should not be dismissed by farmers achieving high cereal gross margins , as the £121.20/ha ( £48.50/acre ) payment can be trebled by the refund of cereal co-responsibility levy on grain sold from this year 's harvest .
17 Frederick II himself had argued a few years earlier that ‘ useful hard-working people should be guarded as the apple of one 's eye , and in wartime recruits should be levied in one 's own country only when the bitterest necessity compels ’ .
18 In conclusion , our findings show that low grade , gastric MALT lymphoma can always be diagnosed on the basis of both fixed and fresh endoscopic biopsy specimens .
19 The commonest complaint in males is that of non-specific urethritis ( NSU ) , and this can be diagnosed at the time of the first visit in the majority of cases .
20 It had become possible to demonstrate the causative organism of syphilis , Treponema pallidum , under the microscope ; there was soon to be available a blood test , the Wasserman Reaction ( WR ) , which enabled syphilis to be diagnosed in the absence of any signs of the disease ; and finally , a new syphilitic treatment , Salvarsan , an arsenic compound , had become available .
21 Nervous convulsions have been attributed by some clinicians to toxocariasis , but there is still some disagreement on whether the parasite can be implicated as a cause of these signs .
22 Enhanced gastric mucosal synthesis of LTB 4 in patients taking NSAIDs may represent a primary effect of these drugs and could be implicated in the pathogenesis of gastritis and ulceration associated with NSAIDs .
23 Other cultural risk factors , such as role conflicts experienced by women , may also be implicated in the pathogenesis of anorexia nervosa .
24 Because viruses are known to be implicated in the development of certain cancers , it was natural to investigate any possible relationship between herpes infection of the cervix and cervical cancer .
25 What Jeffery ( and Matza , who quotes Jeffery in support of his own position ) are pointing to here is that whatever positivists chose as the causes of crime , even when they were ‘ external ’ such as ‘ social and group ’ factors , they always excluded the nature and operation of the criminal law from consideration ; such things were simply not taken to be implicated in the process of causing criminal behaviour .
26 The Law society is seeking a ten year term for the contract , with some crucial provisions entrenched so that they can not be altered for the duration of the contract , except with the Society 's agreement .
27 Thus a computer architecture and instruction set can be frozen at a later stage in the design process , and can be altered as a result of any inadequacies or improvements .
28 The head is an important part of a pint of beer and if beer is dispensed in the way that he is advocating through the implementation of section 43 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 , the taste , texture and colour of cask-conditioned beer could be altered to the detriment of the discerning beer-drinking public .
29 But in some areas a minority hold the view that the confidentiality of the client is thus breached and the nature of the interview may be altered by the presence of an observer .
30 The shape of a hill might be altered by the construction of earthworks , or even taking off a pointed peak .
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