Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adj] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 SCOTLAND 'S squad will be let loose at the wedding of their truculent ex-colleague Mo Johnston four days before the vital World Cup qualifier against Italy at Ibrox .
2 If the draftsman wishes to create a lease for a period that can not be made certain at the time of the demise the only way is to express it as being granted for a fixed term subject to a power to break at the expiry of the period .
3 Both documents must be given freely to parents of pupils on request and must be made available at the school for reference by parents and others .
4 The second point is that the separate leaflet on , say , the inter-library loan service , the catalogues , or the reserved book collection , can be made available at the point of use or point of need .
5 The lease required a proportion of one-twelfth of " waste ore " to be made available at the end of every three years and made saleable — failure to do so resulting in forfeiture of all such material .
6 The Pavlova Works will carry on for the next three months and some jobs will be made available at the group 's other centres .
7 But the rest will be made redundant at the end of next week .
8 Up to 450 of the 500 staff will be made redundant at the laboratory in Leatherhead , Surrey , one of the country 's leading research centres on acid rain , and the remainder will be transferred .
9 The implications of these terms are considered later but the use of terminology in this study text needs to be made clear at the outset .
10 If your product is such that it is normally only loaned out , this must be made clear at the start .
11 If the claim goes through satisfactorily , the supplementary pension or allowance that has been granted can then be drawn weekly at the Post Office .
12 ‘ Everything seems to be going wrong at the moment . ’
13 However as late as 1668 another Roman , Mario Savioni ( c. 1608–1685 ) brought out a book of five-part Madrigali morali e spirituali , explaining that they were to be sung each at the end of one of his previously published Concerti morali and adding that he had ‘ taken care to unite together the aria and the madrigal so as to conform with the character of the concertos ’ .
14 The feeling is growing that we should get our act together smartly if we are not to be left gongless at the end of a less deserving queue .
15 The method is to show the number of households which would be found if the headship rate were to be kept constant at the values in each age-group in 1971 , but allowing for actual changes in number of persons within these age groups .
16 Abbey National might be feeling perky at the moment but few others of the major players share its rosy view .
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