Example sentences of "[that] [vb base] not [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The listing below is interspersed with comments that do not form part of the program .
2 In such cases functional assessment methods are indispensable , and show the value of behavioural methods of working that do not assume consciousness as a fundamental human quality .
3 I am aware of journals that do not acknowledge receipt of papers submitted to them .
4 But what about those conflicts that do not take place within such a constituted social system , such as conflictual bourgeois societies which can not be said to be unified , except , as Sartre suggests dismissively , by appeal to a lost paradise before the class struggle ?
5 Unleaded ( minimum octane of 95 ) is for all petrol vehicles that do not need lead for ‘ valve ’ lubrication .
6 The Oriental departments offer several courses that do not require knowledge of exotic languages but do provide an opportunity for the study of the eastern civilisations , ancient and modern .
7 English is one of the languages that do not use tone in this way though tones or pitch differences are used for other purposes ; such languages are sometimes called intonation languages .
8 That do not shut light from your house
9 ‘ I 've got things in my head that came from nowhere , ’ he said , ‘ things that do n't make sense to me .
10 Collapsing companies : Try to order from companies that do n't require payment in advance because there 's little chance of getting your money back if the trader goes bust .
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