Example sentences of "[that] [vb base] in the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Further investigations by teams of scientists from all over the world have since laid the blame on man-made chlorinated substances that remain in the atmosphere for 100 years or more , where they destroy ozone .
2 He was a regular in the designer bars that pose in the sun along the Portofino coastline and although he only drinks moderately , he has developed a taste for vintage champagne .
3 Review : Scares that fly in the face of fact
4 Injury and suspension could now give Walter Smith 's team a vulnerability on two fronts that tests even their noticeable capacity for ignoring logic and achieving results that fly in the face of realism .
5 Components that transform in the manner of eqn ( 5.1 ) are called vector or contravariant components .
6 These are the human remains that appear in the picture of the priests , from bodies that had already been torn apart by dogs before they were found in the sand .
7 So great is the slaughter that there has been enormous public concern and since 1978 my colleagues and I have studied the effect of road casualties on the toads that breed in the lake at Llandrindod Wells , in mid-Wales .
8 The hill ground varied tremendously , from fairly productive grass covered hills in parts of Wales to the rock and heather that abound in the North of Scotland .
9 By effective digits we mean those that vary in the list of numbers under consideration .
10 Mao Tse Tung compared guerrillas to fish that swim in the water of a sympathetic population .
11 Vote for Huggett ( 1948 ) , for example , shows the family patriarch played by Jack Warner making a stand against a corrupt local councillor , then with the he of the local youth club and three eccentric old ladies , exposing the property transactions that stand in the way of a lido and public garden being built to serve the local community .
12 Forty per cent of American trade with the Pacific is carried on ships that arrive in the pod of San Francisco .
13 We have so far considered distortions that operate in the mind of the investigator .
14 Most , though not all , of the major banks that operate in the City of London are on the list of eligible banks maintained by the Bank of England .
15 When any milk enters a baby 's stomach , it is turned into curds and whey , breast milk curds pass through the stomach easily , but formula milk produces tougher , less digestible curds that stay in the stomach for about four hours .
16 AMERICAN scientists have found an effect that may cast doubt on a whole body of research in the evolution of the Solar System , as well as making physicists look again at the subject of isotopes , forms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons in the nucleus .
17 Marmosets , tiny monkeys that live in the canopy of the South American rain forest , have a very hard time raising their babies .
18 He is able to treat most of the situations and problems that arise in the course of everyday life as matters of routine .
19 This project will address specifically identified methodological questions of a statistical nature that arise in the analysis of existing large and complex labour market data sets .
20 Other research has shown how evaluations of ‘ good ’ policing vary with types of police practice , with the different ‘ types ’ of policemen conceptualizing competent practice in contrasting ways ( Muir 1977 ; Reiner 1978 ; for a review of the numerous typologies of policemen that exist in the sociology of policing see Reiner 1985 : 104–6 ) .
21 The Dedicated Systems Business Unit will aim to ease the integration of dedicated systems into enterprise networks by marketing Novell 's client operating systems — FlexOS , PalmDOS , DR DOS and Personal NetWare to manufacturers and value-added resellers that specialise in the development of such systems .
22 But ca n't could n't you perhaps develop then the the er stage door club could do more perhaps more meals and maybe erm have tickets that take in the cost of a meal so you actually .
23 Whether it is the academics ' interests in the livings that come in the wake of a research career ; or industry 's wish to produce new drugs or insecticides ; or the state 's desire to develop new military armaments or better traffic flows or even to reduce truancy in schools ; these are motivations quite unconnected with the education of students in higher education .
24 Your readers may not be aware that the Institute is providing much appreciated support to members who have suffered redundancy , with all the personal and career problems that follow in the wake of such an upheaval .
25 Cussons is understood to have an active npd programme under way , with some sources suggesting that spend in the future across all its brands could go as high as £7m .
26 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the greatest injustice to genuine asylum seekers is to be found in the enormously long delays that occur in the processing of applications ?
27 Another speaker , Michael Traber , WACC 's Director of Studies and Publications , said : ‘ It is the task of the mass media and theology to read the signs of the times and to interpret the changes that occur in the world in order to make sense of them . ’
28 Conceptualizations of police work are therefore derived from and embedded in such phenomena as the day-to-day experience of police duties , which is itself contextually related to the sorts of crime that occur in the area in which the station is located , common-sense notions about policing contained in the occupational culture , and stereotypes of policing found in the wider culture .
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