Example sentences of "[that] [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Currently lending support to and ‘ cheer-leading ’ Bristol 's Massive Attack , Neneh believes that dance music in the Nineties is ‘ gon na to clear ’ , but her attitude to her own music is relaxed .
2 But there are a number of crime novels that make use of the immediate past to excellent effect ( Gladys Mitchell 's Late , Late in the Evening is one ) , and if the root causes of today 's events are something that set your imagination bubbling then perhaps this is the sort of book you would be best to write .
3 In the case of humans — to the physical factors or the environment , the ideological environment must be added , because a idea is just as valid as a kick in the teeth ; ideas are actually more important stimuli to the nervous system than are other types of stimuli ; ideas are , or induce , emotions that evoke energy in the nervous system . ’
4 They include current selection theory describing the mechanisms of biological change , accounts of animal studies that provide evidence concerning the psychobiological ‘ platform ’ from which human life ascended , inferences from infrahuman primates and other animals to man , and finally a treatment of the evolution of the component faculties that go to make up the human mind .
5 Of 38 species of birds that breed south of the Antarctic Convergence , seven are penguins , four albatrosses , 20 smaller petrels , and seven others include gulls , skuas , terns and cormorants .
6 Though , on the face of it , the effects that cause pleasure in the short term are those that cause addiction in the long term , there is a lot of variability in the system that might be exploited .
7 Though , on the face of it , the effects that cause pleasure in the short term are those that cause addiction in the long term , there is a lot of variability in the system that might be exploited .
8 We 've approached this from a a slightly different angle and recognized that local planning experience within the county now and in the forthcoming district plans shows that there are going to be policies that restrict development in the open country .
9 He knew he had a hole in one lung , leaking air and blood that put pressure on the other lung .
10 It is the close focus of snapshots like these that lend credence to the white heat of his outpourings : ‘ I have lived for fifty years as an unequal in this country , enveloped by hate ’ .
11 Now it is used widely in a geographical sense for all the plains , vegetated but treeless , that lie north of the boreal forest in Europe , Siberia , North America and Greenland , up to the boundary of the polar desert .
12 Antarctic islands that lie north of the northern limit of pack ice have markedly longer summers and milder winters than those that are invested by pack ice .
13 At the local level , it is important to look at the interrelationships between churches , especially any that indicate status in the ecclesiastical hierarchy in the past .
14 When managing a transformational change , the CEO must behave in ways that indicate commitment to the new state ; demonstrating such commitment may be a new and unfamiliar form of behavior .
15 Rather : ‘ The business interests of the nation as a whole are subordinated to those of certain sectional interests that usurp control of the national resources and use them for their private gain . ’
16 It was Child who suggested that Behar volunteer for the Royal Navy which he did in November 1943 having first changed his name to Blake .
17 Whatever the answer to such a question , examples can be produced that cast doubt on the invariable necessity for a large number of observations .
18 In a true thermonuclear reaction , the ions taking part in the reactions are those that form part of the classical Maxwellian distribution of particle energies .
19 Events or developments that take place around the 12th and 16th could leave you deflated and suspicious of other people 's motives .
20 ‘ If there is confidence in the reliability of informal administrative fact-finding activities that take place in the early stages of the criminal process , the remaining stages of the process can be relatively perfunctory without any loss in operating efficiency .
21 Now the one thing that I think is important is that one can not look at the problems of any given society in the world in isolation from the rest of the world as a whole , and in particular , in the case of underdeveloped countries , their problems are very much linked to the situations that take place in the developed countries .
22 Labels such as ‘ mono-hierarchical ’ , ‘ mono-organizational ’ , ‘ USSR Incorporated ’ ( Meyer 1965 ) , the ‘ organizational society ’ , the ‘ command society ’ ( Rigby 1964 ) and the ‘ administered society ’ ( Kassof 1964 ) are used , implying that the political conflicts and struggles over resources , status and power that take place within the communist state are analogous to those experienced within large corporations .
23 The Committee also ordered that take advice from the Professional Referrals Service .
24 Two thirds of the committee members ( committee sizes range from 18 to 33 ) are appointed by the county and district councils that have land within the particular park : their concerns are essentially local .
25 Because of the management autonomy accorded to the company with respect to the charged assets , the company can create security interests that have priority to the floating charge : a floating charge will be deferred to any subsequent fixed legal or equitable charge created by the company over its assets .
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