Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] would have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Had I been born in the Middle Ages , I knew that I would have been one of those retainers who stayed inside the castle and embroidered whilst the knights went off to slaughter the French .
2 ‘ Not that I would have been able to do much anyway , that thing 's a death trap !
3 ‘ You might think that I would have been happy to go on improving my golf handicap , ’ he said .
4 Had she been expecting any apology , though , Fabia realised then that she would have been disappointed for , ‘ Hrm , ’ was all he grunted , and , handing the letter back , he scrutinised her with a hard look , and Fabia had the feeling that he thought that she was the one in the wrong !
5 To herself she had to admit that she would have been willing to go further than talk .
6 She was so devoted to the principle that beauty is a frivolity and a sign of sin that she would have been ashamed to have it in the house .
7 But she thought that she would have been glad of someone to talk about her new plans with , all the same .
8 Sometimes she had the oddest feeling that she would have been able to confide in Paul , to pour out to him the whole bloody silly story without causing him to bat so much as an eyelid .
9 You might also be consistently failing to hear other sounds that you would have been able to hear ( and produce too ) had you approached the problem methodically by means of the workchart .
10 A jolly little incident in Kwiksave that you would have been amused at dear .
11 However , though , there were many areas that we would have been happy to listen to proposals about .
12 Aung San and his supporters were demanding full independence , but I happened to know that they would have been content , possibly even pleased , to be granted Dominion status .
13 Previously , my close relationships would have been with people where we would perhaps be living together or just lovers , but they would have been quite explicit that they would have been non-monogamous .
14 Even if intellectuals outside the government had been agreed on the way forward , it is unlikely that they would have been successful in generating widespread enthusiasm for their opinions .
15 I think , I think the problem with this act in my view is that it would 've been one thing to say to people , right from here on in , we 're going to do it like this .
16 On reflection , the owner felt that it would have been better adopt the traditional method of ‘ tanking ’ the semi-basement lower floor with in situ asphalt .
17 The thought crept into him that it would have been better if there had have been trees outside .
18 Before he died in 1811 , an opium-addicted pauper in Marylebone Workhouse , he may have reflected that it would have been better had he never left the low-lying fields of Huntspill .
19 This public assertion of my childhood 's usefulness stands side by side with the painful personal knowledge , I think the knowledge of all of us , going as far back as the story lets us , that it would have been better if it had n't happened that way , had n't happened at all .
20 In some of these cases the collaborative style was really withdrawal , and such was the tension and confusion generated by the participants claiming to be working together but not really doing so , that it would have been better to drop the pretence and designate the practice withdrawal .
21 Perhaps more worrying for the Government is the attitude of the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , who was reported by a most reliable gossip columnist called Peterborough in that impeccably Conservative newspaper The Daily Telegraph as saying that it would have been better if there had been no deal at all .
22 It will always be the case that it would have been better for one of the counterparties not to have taken out the forward contract but to have waited and transacted in the spot or cash market at the time called for delivery .
23 It did not take long for Gould to realise that it would have been better to have waited .
24 The scientists concluded that it would have been better to leave the beaches alone , but as one commented : " At the time it made sense .
25 ‘ That 's not sour grapes or anything like it more a professional belief in myself that it would have been better in the long run for ME Eithne Browne and probably for Chrissie , too .
26 She argued that if women were paid the same as men " it would result in many women being dismissed from many trades " , and also accepted without demur , when giving evidence to the Fair Wages Committee a few years later , the proposition that women were satisfied with less money because they were earning " pin money " if married , and " pocket money " if not.38 With such pessimism about equal pay entrenched in the mind of their organizers , with such low evaluation being set on their work , one might argue that it would have been surprising if a militant women 's union could really be organized in the prevailing atmosphere .
27 Applications must be made to a circuit judge , who can issue the warrant by virtue of section 9 and Schedule 1 if he is satisfied that it would have been appropriate to issue a warrant prior to the Act .
28 What is denied by the defendant and what is the issue of trial is that they deny that they were ever instructed by Mr er to save such a measure or that it would have been appropriate to serve them or that at any stage Mr ever asked to be advised on any way open to him to get out of the contract er as alleged .
29 By now the fog had lifted , but it was so dark that it would have been futile to return to the scene of the mysterious train to discover for themselves any clues as to its reality or otherwise .
30 You might think that it would have been easy enough to reconstruct the evolutionary pathway , but it was n't .
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