Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] have [been] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The awful thing is that the movies that I 've been involved with in the last erm few years have entailed my being abroad a great deal , and I was made in New York entirely and I was there for six or seven months , and the difficulty is that when you then make the movie and you take it round the world , you 're away for another three or four months and so you end up being out of the country for quite a long time , so I 've been nothing like as active with the university .
2 Or that I 've been involved in a murder .
3 But you said yourself just a few moments ago that I 've been involved in a world where drugs are common currency . ’
4 Well , the studies that I 've been involved in , the computer has performed certainly as well as a consultant , and at times much better than a junior doctor in the particular situation that I 'm talking about .
5 That 's not so worrying , but I feel that I 've been successful in my own right and I would erm like to think I deserve the same recognition as we 've both set same standards over the last twelve months .
6 ‘ Did n't you guess , my beautiful idiot , that I 've been crazy about you from the first time I saw you standing outside your hotel bedroom in France ? ’
7 The , the thing is that I 've been concerned for some time when it 's finally helped , f f found for next month , because
8 It was going to help me , with what I had in mind , the fact that I 'd been able to wise him up on that .
9 I told her that I had been involved in one of the IRA attacks when I had been blown up in the Brighton Bomb , and that I had friends and colleagues who had been badly hurt or killed .
10 When the tent was up , I had to prove that I had been right about the proximity of a village .
11 I decided this would be a good experimental site on which to try my new detector , and for the first hour of detecting felt that I had been right in my assumption that I had really cleaned this place out .
12 I assured him truthfully that I had been impressed by his skill and speed , and I thought his results marvellous .
13 So I said that I had been lucky in a draw for leave , and that now Montague was dead I was to rejoin my original battalion .
14 I came to believe that I had been responsible for those terrible things , that I was to blame , that I must be very bad .
15 But by now I was crazed with the idea of doing something for this woman that retained some shred of playfulness to it , so she could think to herself : ‘ All in fun , all in fun ’ , and yet which conveyed the full force of the idea that I had been alone in that office that weekend with a huge erection thinking of her .
16 Dagenham boss John Still said : ‘ That was the best match that I have been involved with in 14 years of management .
17 Er , the comment here the way that I have been used to doing these I found that I I like it and the kids can
18 And let me say now that I have been impressed by certain of the arguments I have heard here .
19 Kindly note that I have been specific on the daily to do list .
20 Now that I have been honest with you . ’
21 I say that I have been sick with flu .
22 The fact is , sir , that I have been alone for several years now .
23 Vron confirmed that she had been good at art as a schoolgirl , often praised by her art master .
24 Vron confirmed that she had been good at art as a schoolgirl , often praised by her art master .
25 Rourke had made no move to contact her after she had left the office yesterday morning , and that had to mean that she had been right in her assumptions .
26 The heavy lunch and the wine had made her sleepy , and she took to her bed the minute they returned , only awakening when the hunger pangs assaulted her stomach , to see that she had been asleep for over three hours .
27 It was in this way that my friend confided in me when she dreamed , with great clarity , that she had been present at her own funeral gathering .
28 Davies added that she had been present at a phone conversation in December when Doyle had assured one of the players that all $300,000 of the prizemoney was ‘ in the bank . ’
29 Nurse Valerie Roper said she had spoken to Allitt after the first two or three arrests at Grantham and Kesteven Hospital and mentioned that she had been present on each occasion .
30 He had found a niche at once with the men , but she told Julia that she had been unhappy for months , struggling with the other women to force local villagers to disgorge food , humping it back up to the camp and preparing it under extraordinarily difficult conditions .
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