Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [was/were] [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It must have been then that I was blown up by the land-mine , which may well have knocked out Private Prescott as well . ’
2 I knew right then you were the one that I was caught up in physical objection but to my satisfaction baby you were more than just a phase .
3 ‘ My father and Edwin Garland were very close friends , so much so that I was brought up to regard Beryl and Francis as cousins . ’
4 The next generation which is taking over the reins of industry is a generation who were not brought up in the same milieu that I was brought up in .
5 It is simply that I was brought up in the East of Scotland and have lived in places whither the Orangemen walketh not , neither in triumph nor provocation .
6 Well in in th the year that I was brought up in there was a a much more er er traditional fee structure which simply was n't negotiated in the same way as it is today .
7 She gave every indication that she was fed up to the teeth .
8 But yesterday , possums , Dame Edna Everage revealed that she was fed up with rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous .
9 ‘ Yes , I am , ’ replied Anabelle , wishing that she was curled up in her nest fast asleep .
10 Government-approved ‘ mousetrap ’ had for so long banished regional English cheeses , for instance , that they were given up for dead .
11 Earlier studies of comets jets , focused on the short-period comet Swift-Tuttle , showed that they were made up of dust particles of about one micrometer in diameter .
12 It is generally thought that they were a new people only in name , and that they were made up of tribes such as the Amsivarii , Chattuarii and Chatti , who are mentioned in earlier sources , but rarely , if at all , in later ones .
13 Computer expert , Andrew Eccleston , explains that they were fed up with old-fashioned forecasting methods , so came up with something new .
14 This had a knock-on effect on capital resources , in the sense that they were taken up with developing general hospital services in the towns away from London .
15 The two countries , he said , had never been at war , although he acknowledged North Korea 's right to seek property damages linked to Japan 's colonial rule , provided that they were backed up by " objective evidence " .
16 I simply heard from numerous of my friends that they were rung up by quite junior Whips who stressed that Alec was standing , having decided to renounce his peerage .
17 And the fact that it was divvied up in the pubs I
18 One theory held that he was fed up with being called ‘ Manstead ’ and wanted to confuse people into using his first name instead .
19 Jefferson resigned from Downton International shortly afterwards , and put it about that he was fed up with working with such a large company .
20 The chances are almost two-to-one that he was brought up in a fatherless household .
21 South West appointed the finance director only to have him vetoed by the Government on the grounds that he was caught up in a Department of Trade and Industry investigation .
22 The fact that Lewis did is not a sign that he was illogical , merely that he was caught up in a spiritual drama which involved more than ‘ paper logic ’ .
23 When the keeper came up to check on the Spectacled Bears , she could n't understand that Omero and Minky were trying to tell her that Sam was ill , she just saw that he was curled up in a ball and would n't move .
24 When he turned , he saw that he was backed up to a young man with crinkly hair and a baggy silk suit , sleeves turned back to mid-forearm .
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