Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Added to that , there was something about the Wartberg works that I found soothing the first time I went there for the interview .
2 She was wearing the coat with all the buttons and buckles that she had worn the first time I saw her outside Kaama 's flat .
3 Well , to hell with you , sweetheart , she railed , and , her pride once more up in arms , a certainty in her head that she had seen the last of Ven for that night , she rocketed from her bed , took a shower , and got dressed .
4 The walk there took only about ten minutes and she thought that even with the frightening weakness in her legs that she had discovered the first time she got out of bed she ought to manage that distance .
5 Now that she had taken the first steps , she was not so much afraid .
6 The recent spell of warm weather was holding and Julie Murchison was feeling good in spite of the fact that she had spent the last hour in her Mother 's sick room .
7 ‘ The fact that we failed to reach the second round is a blow in many ways and I am so disappointed for everybody . ’
8 ‘ The fact that we failed to reach the second round is a blow in many ways and I am so disappointed for everybody . ’
9 The calm , thoughtful way she acknowledged them and talked them through with me made me feel that we had taken the first step towards friendship .
10 Professor Andrew Lyne and two colleagues , Matthew Bailes and Setnam Shemar , astronomers from the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom , announced in the British science journal Nature of July 24 that they had made the first discovery of a planet orbiting a star outside the solar system .
11 It was during the next 8 years that he began to experience the first stirrings of an interest destined to change his life beyond all imaginings .
12 She sat down on her suitcases and howled , feeling that he had swept the last traces of her personality out in the dustpan too .
13 The dream grew faster and faster and more and more desperate , because he knew that he had to reach the last box before the end of the day .
14 This morning I telephoned my agent from the kiosk on the corner of the road to make sure that he had received the first fourteen or fifteen thousand words of my novel and , hopefully , to hear him say that , yes , he thought a publisher would give me a worthwhile advance ( much needed ) on the strength or promise of this sizeable chunk .
15 ‘ I signed for Jack one day and read on Teletext that he had quit the next .
16 ‘ The Red what ? ’ said the Exec Director , pleased that he had deciphered the first word of the new code-name .
17 Mr. Duggan said that he had enjoyed the last four years .
18 He spoke to the porters in English , because he was trying to forget that he had spent the first ten years of his life in Berlin .
19 Lagerfeld sent sketches off and six months later he got a telegram telling him that he had won the first prize in the group for coats .
20 On their way to Estoril in the private jet Kate was forced to admit to herself that he had won the first round .
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