Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , that is not an accusation that I could level at the Leader of the Opposition , as he has not found time to say anything at all about the environment — true or false .
2 For what is being suggested is that I knew today and not yesterday , despite the fact that there was no difference between the two days that I could tell at the time .
3 My intention is that I should leave at the end of the year .
4 That I 'd jump at the chance of marrying you .
5 Her mother was killed in a train accident and her father , without looking at her , for he very rarely looked at her , told her that she would continue at the local school .
6 She was seeking the next angle , the next approach , knowing that she 'd have at the most a couple of minutes to make her pitch .
7 She needs a style that she can transform at the flick of a brush or the twist of a curler to complement her every mood .
8 Det Sgt Stimpson said : ‘ She searches him every time he comes home or goes out , and she keeps his bedroom bare of the usual toys and clutter so that she can see at a glance whether he has hidden any stolen property . ’
9 Harriet drove her to the local hospital as soon as the pains started in mid-afternoon and , knowing how hazardous the road back in the dark could be at this time of the year , brought an overnight bag so that she could stay at a nearby hotel .
10 I think you 're suggesting that the local government would do a lot more if the national government would allow it , and I suspect you 're a Labour member of the Oxfordshire County Council and I think that you would point at the Conservative central government as being , if not deliberately anti-women , then the effect of some of it 's policies seemed to indicate that that 's where it 's heading .
11 Well these were the hottest place that you could work at the ovens of dough in the bread ovens .
12 That 's right , that 's right , yes , how we consume these products , yes , I mean , you 're right , so a potato is a potato is a potato , but if it 's pre-packed , graded and washed , that is sort of intrinsically different from er , er , sort of , mouldy , scruffy old potatoes that you could buy at a greengrocer .
13 Why is it that you can arrive at an aerodrome ( they do not have the temerity to call them airports , let alone international ) with facilities such as NDBs , localisers , clean eating facilities , tar macadam runways , and where landing fees are minimum ?
14 Styled in hard-wearing canadium , it has a built-in meter so that you can know at a glance if you 're applying enough pressure .
15 Take your time preparing them , free from telephone calls and interruptions , so that you can look at the whole matter thoughtfully .
16 Okay so having established then that you can look at the er er you can look at single channel currents , let's look at what those erm er currents can tell us .
17 The black and white striped base has a double mesh shade that you can position at an angle , £332.35
18 ‘ There 's no reason why I ca n't go on for 200 goals and I do n't agree with the argument that you should retire at the top .
19 What I 'm asking is that you should look at the accounts with your detective instincts on the alert and see if there 's anything that strikes you as odd about them . "
20 So it was agreed , right in the beginning that we would establish a separate agency to manage the Eurofighter two thousand programme , but that we would look at the possibility of bringing these two agencies together at as early as possible time and the most expedient way for all concerned .
21 I am convinced that the prospect held out at Maastricht will not be the prospect that we shall have at the end of the 1990s .
22 We spent the first day climbing on Anglesey 's big sea cliffs to prove that we could climb at an extreme level .
23 It is my considered opinion that we should stay at a safe distance and await further developments . ’
24 It was felt that we should look at the practicalities of splitting of the membership into an ‘ active ’ and ‘ passive ’ list ; the idea of introducing a membership fee of some kind was rejected .
25 We did not rule on the applications at the time , as they were opposed by Mr. Munby , for the foster mother , but he agreed that we should look at the evidence de bene esse and make our ruling as part of our judgment .
26 I think that we should look at the question .
27 That it 's time perhaps that we should look at the role of bankers and see whether or not they should have a wider duty than at present .
28 We may become more like them in our styles and habits ; we may begin to look at our children as our parents looked at us ; we may even assume that we will die at the age at which they died , and of the same disease or in the same way .
29 That is the biggest criticism that we can lay at the Labour party 's door .
30 We are going to tabulate the information so that we can look at the data from a statistical point of view , so every question you can answer is of value .
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