Example sentences of "[that] [prep] [noun sg] [pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Danny it 's just occurred to me because we 're tape recording we 'd better just stop print just at the moment , we 'll just leave that off line we can do it later .
2 so that for instance you can have four stops on one keyboard , three on another and the three sounds that are available on this keyboard are available from those , the four sounds that are available
3 There are fears that as President he would sting them with stiffer tax bills .
4 It would provide the people of Scotland with at least the hope that after privatisation they will have decent bus services .
5 ‘ Well , now we 've survived another of your mini-disasters , ’ he continued , ‘ I thought that after dinner we 'd look at the plans ; it will save time tomorrow .
6 It was a foregone conclusion , I soon realised , that after univeristy he 'd start up his own firm with some money his father left him .
7 It was unlooked-for grace that after supper he should send his page to ask Mistress Hussey to be kind enough to come and speak with him in the small chamber the prince was using as a study .
8 Okay well you 'll probably know erm that of course we can start people immediately if they were
9 She replied that of course she could trust me , but that this time she would like us to meet .
10 I was constantly hearing that people were reacting to all this technology , expressing a wish to go back to basics with a simple bow , a look at the wind , an arrow loosed into the heavens and a hope that with luck it might hit the target .
11 There are many adults who 've had to face up to this problem and have , in actual fact , overcome it Susan Hampshire is one ; I believe Hans Anderson , also , has suffered from this difficulty — that with help they can overcome this and live a normal life .
12 I had instantly buried the intense feelings hoping that with time they would decompose or reform and grow into normal healthy heterosexual longings .
13 I hope that in Committee we can make some progress on that front .
14 I hope that in Committee he will listen to the pleas of Members representing Greater London and the south of England because they are dear to my heart and may to some extent be dear to his .
15 Note that in P2/T6 we would expect to have σ 3 basic in the second row .
16 Whatever the merits of the arguments against Mr Soley 's proposal for a Select Committee in place of the Commissioner , they are much less convincing when applied to the more modest proposal put forward at the time by the SDP that there could be a Select Committee confining itself to the Commissioner 's report ‘ so that in turn it would report and give some reality to parliamentary accountability ’ .
17 Although we did very sincerely attempt to treat all four children alike , we soon realised that in fairness we would have to modify that intention .
18 I told them that at one we 'd be going away on another job cos we 'd got another job booked in , but in fact I reorganized everything so that in fact we could do it for them .
19 Yet I think that in fact they can make life easier for mother and baby .
20 Everyone knows that in fact you can get organised — so — leaving the family , animals and business I set off for Avery Hill College .
21 ‘ I must admit I thought that in retrospect you might resent what happened between us last night . ’
22 He has promised that in extremity he will send for her , and she will come and be his nurse .
23 I agree that in hindsight it could have been clearer
24 In March of the following year her ambassador in Paris publicly apologised and promised that in future she would recognise French claims to precedence .
25 The board also said that in future it would receive more information on ‘ public interest issues ’ affecting the BBC .
26 I immediately modified the program so that in future it would keep accessible records of genetic formulae , but it was too late " .
27 I hope that you will give this reply as prominent a place in your paper as you did the original article and we trust that in future you will ring this Company for comment before publishing incorrect material which is misleading and biased .
28 It was nice to talk over old times and Swire Sugden assured me that in future he would get a consensus before sending in the bulldozers .
29 Gooch 's hand in selection this winter was considerable — but Fletcher made it clear that in future he will exercise more influence over the make-up of a tour party .
30 Gay , do you think that in time we shall forget our old selves , and the things we used to do ? ’
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