Example sentences of "[that] [noun pl] have been [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 reference to the fact that accounts have been prepared in accordance with approved Auditing Standards and the accounts represent a ‘ true and fair view of the state of the Board 's affairs ’ .
2 The compilation of a lexicon therefore requires considerable manual intervention to ensure that indices have been assigned in a reliable manner that fits the application .
3 ‘ We know for a fact that bombs had been prepared in the past for Portadown but the security presence in the area prevented them from being used here .
4 The Congress was told that journalists had been registered in only fifty of ninety guberniia committees .
5 It involves auditors in ensuring that funds have been expended in accordance with the terms by which such monies were appropriated , and that accounts have been properly prepared .
6 Many Russian exiles have long suspected that spies had been planted in their midst by the KGB , and for some the advertisements confirmed their darkest fears .
7 CIPFA , whose report to the Scottish Office is issued today , has now added its authority to allegations that errors have been made in the calculations .
8 Western reports said that troops had been massing in the region since December 1990 .
9 It is clear that this is partly due to the fact that incomes have been rising in real terms , so that people feel able to take on an increased burden of debt .
10 Q Some time ago , I read that changes had been made in what ERNIE pays out each month .
11 Further back sat a heavy wooden table , and on it she found a note from the building 's owner , informing her that provisions had been left in the fridge , that there was an ample supply of coal and logs in the shed outside , and wishing her ‘ good snow and happy skiing ’ .
12 We welcome the fact that provisions have been put in the Bill .
13 The hearing revealed that undertrials had been held in Bihar gaols for up to ten years , in some cases spending years longer on remand than the maximum possible sentence .
14 Palmer had noticed that something was wrong with the water , even before taking the sample , and volunteered the opinion ( subsequently confirmed ) that cattle had been drinking in it upstream .
15 What is worse is that managers have been downgraded in comparison .
16 A Department of Health spokesman said yesterday that doctors had been warned in June against using propofol .
17 The Economist of Oct. 6 reported that demonstrations had been organized in southern Bhutan between Sept. 19 and 23 by the outlawed Bhutan People 's Party ( BPP ) , most of whose supporters were members of the ethnic Nepalese community .
18 He admitted that mistakes had been made in the five months since he personally took over the government , especially in the slow pace of privatisation .
19 Mr Yeltsin admitted that mistakes had been made in the five months since he personally took over the government , especially in the very slow pace of privatisation .
20 Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's address to the Bundestag on Sept.8 , reviewing his 10 years in office , acknowledged that mistakes had been made in the unification process and warned that western Germany would need to transfer DM150,000 million annually to the east " for a long time to come " .
21 We can agree that the city does not always look good , that mistakes have been made in its redevelopment , but we emphasise that the picture of the city is not as bad as it is painted .
22 In so far as there is this domination , it must be acknowledged that men have been aided in their domination of women by women themselves — sometimes older women , whose own conditioning has matured in conformity with that of men .
23 Most importantly , they have demonstrated that the late medieval church was functioning effectively , and that historians have been misguided in relying too heavily on the testimony of condescending sixteenth-century intellectuals like Erasmus who were so hostile towards superstitious and non-biblical religion , while ignoring the perspective of the contemporary rural parishioners , who participated happily in this type of unsophisticated religious life and seemingly gained great spiritual comfort from the various rituals of the liturgical year .
24 Evidence is now emerging that women have been detained in order to be raped and even impregnated , and that political and military leaders knew , but condoned it.One woman who can testify to the existence of rape camps and the suffering of women , is Francoise Hampson , senior lecturer at Essex University and an expert in the law of armed conflict .
25 That we women feel that the fact that women have been employed in Edinburgh as compositors for nearly forty years gives women a claim on the business .
26 This was followed last year by the announcement that diamonds have been found in dust clouds surrounding forming stars .
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