Example sentences of "[that] [adv] [verb] me [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There are fewer elephants about up here erm and er the issue that obviously concerns me from the development point of view is the is the time scale , is the process rather , that that the planning policy would im would imply .
2 It was the violent jolting of our wheels on the sleepers that finally woke me to the realisation that Ward had switched from the road to the railway line itself and was bumping his way along the track towards the gaping mouth of a tunnel .
3 In fact , we did go down there for a week to explore the possibilities , and I admitted that it was n't what it was and that the rosy glow that still suffused me at the very name was probably nostalgia for my touring days , when it was the most prestigious of all the dates .
4 I got on my bike and went back to the house a bit recklessly , shooting through puddles on the path and taking the Jump — a bit on the path where there 's a long downhill on a dune and then a short uphill where it 's easy to leave the ground — at a good forty kilometres per hour , landing with a muddy thump that nearly had me in the whin bushes and left me with a very sore bum , making me want to keep opening my mouth with the feeling of it .
5 Fey was something they would tell me I had just invented , but it is something that never left me during the entire period I was an Instructor and sadly I was to learn very shortly after he left Kinloss that he did not survive very long on the squadron that he joined .
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