Example sentences of "[that] [verb] [pron] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You know that land I bought off the Ministry of Defence ?
2 Yes , and the second time that happened it swept across the standing walls there , and in the near end of the caldarium there was somebody standing by the wall .
3 Hopes that harvesting which started over the weekend would continue , though , were thwarted by mid-week rain and a shortage of crops fully fit .
4 Damn it all , woman , I would have thought that talk you had in the car park with your two ‘ friends ’ would have knocked some sense into your stubborn little head , but obviously it did n't ! ’
5 The thing that kept me glued to the TV was the gorgeous Jennifer Capriati with her magnificent looks , great personality and brilliant tennis .
6 She had tough parents to match , but an elder sister Gloria of such melting tenderness and charm that left one confounded by the biological processes .
7 He reviewed the massed ranks of the uniformed SA and SS on the Langemarkt and made violently anti-Polish speeches from the Artushof and from the Zoppot Cure-House — speeches that left what remained of the opposition staggered at his vehemence and fearful of the consequences .
8 We were going to run that tape you made after the planning-committee meeting , but in the light of recent events it seems unwise .
9 Last week the Wagner Development Group put to rest that work which began with the 1988 Wagner report with the fourth and last conference jointly organised by NISW and Community Care ( News , page 4 ) , and the coincidental publication of the third Wagner volume Positive Answers ( HMSO , £6.50 ) .
10 The very particularity of the sacrament forces upon the penitent the sense that it is on the here and now — that row we had with the neighbours , the bad temper with which we did the washing-up , this specific uncharitable thought or unchaste deed — that salvation and damnation depend .
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