Example sentences of "[that] [noun] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Robin Leigh-Pemberton told a Commons committee that banking laws prevented him from saying anything about the case of the Fayed brothers , the owners of Harrods , strongly criticised by official inspectors for their behaviour in acquiring the store in 1985 .
2 Also , never think that Glentoran fans regard you as a traitor because you want to move to our biggest rivals Linfield .
3 Do you , I wonder if you think your a good driver , I mean there are , I mean I , I should remind you there are five thousand people killed on Britain 's roads every year , there are sixty three thousand people seriously injured , they reckon that car accidents cost something like five thousand million pounds in Britain every year .
4 I make the observation that given the Opposition 's effort to determine the Government 's view two or three years from now , I can only conclude that Opposition Members expect us to be in government after the next general election .
5 It is strongly argued by Rubinstein ( 1976 ) and others that establishment institutions revitalised themselves in this period to absorb and assimilate the new capitalists into older values and older structures of influence .
6 ‘ I know that water parks provide lots of people with lots of fun , but there are two others within fifty miles of here so there 's absolutely no need for another one , ’ she continued , her cheeks flaming .
7 However , I state again that enforcement procedures offer plenty of opportunities for someone to pay their dues and so avoid imprisonment .
8 It was a long time after their invention that yarn spinners adapted them for their own purposes .
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