Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 I have never been confident that I can split them with the naked eye , but 7 × 50 binoculars make it easy enough .
2 I always find it a difficult binocular object ; I can just see it with × 20 , but I am not confident that I can identify it with a lower magnification .
3 I hope that I can provide him with the answers in a way that his hon. Friends on the Front Bench were unable to provide answers to questions raised when he was the hon. Member for West Lothian .
4 It is a wide double ; the companion is of magnitude 4.8 , and the separation 41 seconds of arc , so that I can see it with × 20 .
5 Unfortunately , I do not think that I can help you with this particular line of enquiry .
6 He told me that he would donate £5,000 to the fund if I would undertake to invite his little son , then at school in Oxford , to tea on odd occasions , so that I could acquaint him with some of the matters relating to Judaism .
7 I don ‘ t think that I could do it with anyone whose bones stuck out .
8 I wish that I could warm you with my kisses .
9 I feel that I could overwhelm her with love now .
10 Since John 's abduction I had kept a diary , hoping somehow that I could capture the time John was missing , to keep things from fading so that I could share them with him when he came back .
11 She was elderly and although she went to church on a Sunday , I did n't feel that I could trouble her with my religious affairs .
12 ‘ When I said before that I 'd trust you with my life , it was a statement based on instinct .
13 Grandad , who had been reading his paper , said , ‘ Eh , I 'd like to help with the cleaning but you see I promised Angus up at the farm that I 'd help him with the lambs today . ’
14 So absorbed , or intoxicated , was it that I used to photograph it with the other hand .
15 I had mine in a cone , with wafers stuck in the top that I used to eat it with , but Cati sat down and she had hers with a spoon , out of a glass , sitting up on one of those stools … . ’
16 I looked for the knitted garments that I used to help her with but they must have all been sold .
17 To get her into a routine , I started leaving food out at the same time and place every day , always whistling the same tune , so that she would associate it with being fed .
18 Her girlfriends , particularly her former flatmates , would have rallied round but she did not feel that she could inflict them with such a burden of responsibility .
19 Idly , she wondered if there was anything around that she could open it with .
20 The stark desire in his face threatened to take what strength she had left , nor did he make any attempt to hide the blatant response of his body to that consuming , passionate kiss , continuing to hold her so tightly that she could feel him with every part of her being , could still taste him inside her mouth .
21 The good thing about friends is that you can choose them with consummate care and I never chose mad ones or nasty ones or boring ones , whereas you ca n't choose who you 're going to fall in love with .
22 Familiarise yourself with the next two sections so that you can discuss them with the trainees in a chalk and talk fashion .
23 Well that 's , what I do is I use that metal that you can hang it with and just hang it onto a little hook so it 's up and over and out of the way .
24 The type of notes you make are personal but the important point is that you can follow them with only a glance .
25 She wrote : ’ I am writing to you in the hope that you can help me with the injustice which has occurred .
26 This letter is to confirm our agreement that you will provide us with an authoring program for Reading for English .
27 Valda having provided the introduction , I was of course quite delighted to try and help you with names and contacts the other day on the telephone , and note that you will supply me with a strictly personal and confidential copy at the conclusion of your endeavours and I appreciate this VERY much !
28 It goes without saying that you should study it with the utmost care .
29 and erm sorry the poem the new poem , but that we 'll spell it with a will be correct .
30 Its original purpose was to enable us to turn our work so that we could rehang it with the plain side towards us , knit a few rows of reversed stocking stitch and then turn it back again to continue in stocking stitch or pattern .
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