Example sentences of "[that] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The characteristic of all those areas is that for a long time they have been Labour controlled , although Conservatives have been in control in Brent for the past year and the Liberal Democrats have recently been in control in Tower Hamlets .
2 The power of the Establishment came not from the fact that a few dozen people imposed their will on the rest of us , but from the fact that for a long time we felt it right that the opinions of such people should have respectful attention paid to them .
3 Some say it is good for the Prime Minister to mix with the crowd and others that for a Prime Minister it is less than dignified .
4 What would be the chances of arriving at the principle of a constant coefficient of expansion in metals ( the notion that for a given metal there is a fixed relationship between amount of change of temperature and amount of change of length ) if the only data to hand concerning temperature and length were estimates based on unaided touch and sight ?
5 Comparison of the second equation of the pair ( 10.8 ) with the second equation of the pair ( 10.12 ) immediately reveals that for a given network Also , elimination of between equations ( 10.12 ) and comparison of the resulting equation with the first equation of the pair ( 10.8 ) establishes that for a given network It is a matter of simple algebraic manipulation to show that the inverse relations to equations ( 10.13 ) and ( 10.14 ) are ; ;
6 Cora-Beth tilted her head sideways so that for a brief moment her cheek rested against his hand .
7 In some of his tracts he is outspokenly hostile to philosophy as mother of heresy , strident in his insistence that for a true believer everything is decided by the authority of the apostolic rule of faith and scripture so that further enquiries are superfluous .
8 In the services , it is estimated that for every front-line soldier there are twenty people in support .
9 had a yard there and an old building , that 's where he had , that 's where he operated from and he used to get all this second hand timber demolition timber from Liverpool and Berkenhead and all that and he reckoned then that for every hundred pound he spent on demolition he had a thousand pound back
10 Can I just say on this subject that while I understand the arguments on both sides of the fence , remember that for every successful composer there are hundreds who are not , and their cause is not helped by someone taping their album for a friend .
11 Erm and I feel that for no good reason I was forced to go through a major surgery .
12 Many companies give an indication of how easy ( or difficult ! ) each plant is to raise so I 'd suggest that for the first year you stick with fairly easy ones , perhaps trying a couple of ‘ harder ’ ones .
13 The motorbike slowed so that for the first time they could see the outlines of the rider , a derelict farmhouse appeared in its headlight beam and the car behind them started flashing its lights .
14 But on 20 September the Commission announced that for the first time it would take Britain before the European Court of Justice .
15 The intactness of the tomb meant that for the first time it was possible to analyse fully how the many objects found within it were used , and their ritual and social implications within the Sicàn culture better understood .
16 There was the added complication that for the first time there would be a period of five minutes or so when I would have to shut inside my satchel not only my outdoor shoes but my gym shoes as well .
17 Although there was widespread speculation as to the authenticity of the leaflets , experts believed that for the first time there was fairly solid evidence to show that the group was experiencing internal problems , with the possibility that a moderate faction had appeared to question the cult of leadership of Sendero leader Abimael Guzmán Renoso and his military strategy to bring down the state .
18 Her eleventh novel , Gwendolen , has just been published and she says that for the first time she is writing for her soul .
19 Then he realised that for the first time he was looking into the front of a hurricane .
20 While feeling a little sad at leaving , Mr. Offer said that for the first time he would be looking forward to an extra hour in bed in the morning .
21 Mosley 's opposition to this national change of mood meant that for the small minority who still wished to maintain the peace of Europe at any price , he was momentarily seen as an alternative leader who would keep Britain out of a war .
22 ‘ The reason I do n't have a band is that for the longest time I 've been disgusted with the mode that the American independent scene operates in and I do n't want to be associated with that .
23 So lost was I in the film that for an awful moment I too was about to spawn one of the dreadful aliens .
24 Janet 's Norwegian is n't what it could be and she had n't understood the producer 's instruction that for an English translation she needed an ear-piece .
25 Mr Lumsden said : ‘ There is a very very strict rule that during a General Election nothing that the Government does can intrude on the election process . ’
26 I must draw to your attention that during a recent survey it was noted that you did not appear to be complying fully with the statutory requirements in that you did not show legibly the price of some goods displayed for sale , namely at your premises .
27 Is my right hon. Friend aware that during a recent visit I made to Albania on behalf of the Council of Europe , politicians of all parties expressed a keen interest in receiving British know-how , but were disappointed that we have yet to establish a British embassy in Tirane ?
28 If a court decides on a two-year probation order , during the first year the person is mandatorily banned under the Bill and there is nothing to stop the court ruling that during the second year he or she should attend a motor course .
29 Rolle says that the first two stages defined in Ego Dormio are possible for actives as well as contemplatives , though he does comment that during the second stage his pupil will want to be alone " to thynk on Criste , and to be in mykel praying " ( 65 – 66.158 – 9 ) .
30 In a rare on-the-record interview , he alleged that during the general election he was personally approached by a Cabinet minister with dirt on Paddy Ashdown .
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