Example sentences of "[that] [adj] [was/were] [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The thought patterns like Joanne and others the the concept of putting a little circle down and one word in it and expanding that out and being able to stand around and talk erm for three minutes or ten minutes or whatever for a significant amount of time erm that that was also a revelation to me .
2 In fact I cried when I got to the top , but I think that that was just a release of emotion .
3 Right that that was just a letter for reference anyway
4 He did n't believe in the idea of people possessed by devils , because it seemed to him that that was only a way of trying to tidy up the world by pigeon-holing everything .
5 I did n't , I was n't aware that that was still a part of , of the Guild work today .
6 Nobody trusted the geologists ' claims that this was simply a series of experiments to see whether the underground structure was suitable in principle : everybody believed that the waste dump would be excavated under their patch .
7 Diane told herself that this was just a kind of paranoia on her part , an over-apprehension that came from reading too many doctor articles in women 's magazines , but it did n't make her any less uneasy .
8 ‘ In case you were thinking , ’ he concluded , ‘ that this was just a quarrel among blacks , a spot of faction-fighting .
9 But this was just a game , and before some one points out that the stock market is itself just a game ( for somewhat privileged people ) , I should add that this was just a family game being marketed in Sheffield for Christmas .
10 It struck Madeleine that this was surely a waste of time .
11 Some Ministers felt that this was wholly a matter for the conscience or judgment of the individual , and that Ministers who held strong views on the moral issue should not be asked to subordinate those views to a collective decision of the Cabinet .
12 He described this as " grossly inadequate " and said that this was effectively a symptom of the basic unreasonableness of the contract .
13 The fact that this contains three lancet windows shows that this was once a building .
14 I felt that this was possibly a chap I should look at — quite apart from the fact that I knew little of him except that he had somehow or other got out of Holland and become the ADC to Queen Wilhelmina at the Dutch headquarters in London .
15 Even Darwin admitted that his confidence was tested when he contemplated the vertebrate eye , although he went on to say that this was more a failure of the imagination than of the intellect .
16 With relief I realized that this was only a day or so away .
17 But these people had been shot down some months ago and as the Feldwebel had told me that this was only a transit camp I knew that I was not likely to meet them here .
18 It is perhaps reassuring that they at least recognised utter nonsense when they wrote it , if disappointing that this was essentially a confession of failure by a Ministry whose central function had been to coordinate energy policy .
19 It might be thought that this was essentially a matter for the internal law of State A , the forum State .
20 It was the fact that this was essentially a planters ' system which ensured that the stations were built of a standard and elegance which a plantocracy could use with comfort .
21 She did not add that this was quite a relief amongst the Anglican priesthood .
22 The only answer to this , that I can think of , is to take the engine number of your intended purchase and check with Land Rover that this was never a petrol engine .
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