Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [vb pp] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , contingent entities can not be individuated in an absolute sense by any kind of descriptive phrase .
2 Those who supported the document accepted that economic reform could not be realized without an integrated market , but they also urged the strengthening of the state role in fiscal , monetary , tax and foreign relations policy ; while they were not against private ownership they favoured state ownership in industries which were of " economic interest " .
3 Provided then that function of the anal sphincter is confirmed to be normal before operation and is kept ormal at operation by preservation of the entire anal sphincter , we suggest that age alone should not be regarded as an absolute contraindication to the use of restorative proctocolectomy .
4 If a Bill does not obtain the approval of a majority in each House , or if the Parliament Acts are not complied with , or if the Royal Assent is withheld , the product should not be regarded as an authentic Act of Parliament .
5 In a normal labour intermittent auscultation with a Pinard stethoscope could not be regarded as an inadequate or negligent form of assessment .
6 In 1543 , the arguments from mathematical simplicity that worked in favour of Copernicus could not be regarded as an adequate counter to the mechanical and astronomical arguments that worked against him .
7 ( f ) The new partnership agreement Whilst agreements on particular matters should be set down in writing as soon as they have been concluded , that should not be regarded as an adequate substitute for a properly drafted partnership agreement for the new firm to be in place from the outset of business .
8 Darlington Environmental Watch spokeswoman Maggie Bosanquet said : ‘ We will be urging an early meeting with Euro MP Stephen Hughes to outline our belief that this money , so desperately needed by local industry and residents , should not be squandered on an unnecessary road . ’
9 If a preferred way of delivering a service can not be met but the care manager feels it is an unreasonable demand , the department advises it should not be recorded as an unmet need by as an unmet preference .
10 Any employee who can establish a claim in tort is therefore guaranteed to have the judgment met and not be defeated by an insolvent employer .
11 His sour grapes should not be mistaken for an accurate impression of the flavour of Charles 's court in December 842 .
12 Private nuisance need not be based on an unlawful act .
13 This design can not be dismissed as an automatic and inevitable consequence of building cells closely together , for bumble bees also make waxen cells and theirs are irregular bag-shaped containers , jumbled untidily together .
14 It is hoped that this chapter will not be dismissed as an arid academic ground-clearing exercise , since it has important things to say about the most appropriate way to approach the subject of the book .
15 The Prime Minister is determined Britain will not be dragged into an unwinnable war on the scale of the American involvement in Vietnam .
16 ‘ Surely this can not be justified as an effective use of civil servants ' time or public money . ’
17 A society in which this right is systematically denied … can not be justified from an ethical point of view … ’
18 That can not be done on an on-off basis .
19 The third main proposal is that a buyer who has a right to reject the goods should not be faced with an all-or-nothing rule .
20 Although the number of cars registered in Wales fell slightly during 1992 , there was little reason to think that in the long term we will not be faced by an unsustainable surge in the number of private vehicles using Welsh roads .
21 Unwanted and harmful stress should not be accepted as an unwelcome but inevitable ingredient of midlife .
22 Infants dying of sudden infant death syndrome included 229 Maoris , 240 non-Maoris , and 16 children who could not be assigned to an ethnic group .
23 However , the government round it more difficult than expected to cut public expenditure and this , coupled with a desire to reduce taxation in order to increase incentives , meant that the PSBR targets could not be met without an extra source of revenue .
24 The reason for this fall is the fact that romantic love can not be sustained without an underlying friendship .
25 It was clear that the Japanese war effort could not be extended for an appreciable period in the light of the allied command of the sea and air and the nature of the crippling conventional bombing by American planes .
26 Although this chapter and the next are about sex differences in the use of language , they should not be treated as an exhaustive catalogue of research findings on that subject .
27 In order to avoid this obviously ridiculous result , the German scientist Max Planck suggested in 1900 that light , X rays , and other waves could not be emitted at an arbitrary rate , but only in certain packets that he called quanta .
28 In R v Sunderland JC , ex pG [ 1988 ] 2 FLR 40 , a case decided under the old law , the Court of Appeal held that the guardian ad litem 's report should not be disclosed to an independent social worker instructed by a parent unless it could be shown that the evidence of the independent social worker would assist the court .
29 The offence in s.3 will not be committed by an accused who walks away from a betting shop or brothel .
30 It should not be administered with an alkaline solution such as sodium bicarbonate or with any solution containing calcium eg , TPN .
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