Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [adj] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , if the landlord has not elected to waive the exemption from VAT , VAT will not be chargeable on the rent .
2 Hekmatyar was reported on Aug. 23 to have received a joint mujaheddin peace delegation representing several provinces , but to have rejected a proposal from Rabbani that a ceasefire should not be conditional on the withdrawal from Kabul of the powerful Uzbek militia led by Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostam .
3 The first , and weaker test , would exploit one of the central predictions of the rational expectations hypothesis which we explained in chapter 2 : that forecast errors arise from the inherent unpredictability or stochastic nature of the variable and should exhibit no pattern ; that is , they should not be predictable on the basis of any information available at the time the forecast is made ; and the forecast errors should , on average , be zero .
4 It is almost certain that they will not be central on the spar halves so there will be a right way around .
5 In reviewing the central site , consideration has been given primarily to the needs of History and of English in so far as the needs of the latter can not be satisfied on the St Cross site .
6 The change in the results is because the company and its auditors discovered that , ‘ based on information that has recently come to their attention , ’ payment for about $5.3m in equipment orders from a foreign government agency , recorded in the third quarter of fiscal 1992 , will not be forthcoming on the schedule expected .
7 We shall not be dogmatic on the use of the term " style " itself .
8 This decision might have been regarded as one asserting the value of individual choice , but the Court put it on a rather different basis , saying that ‘ the implementation of the rights conferred on the employees by the Directive could not be dependent on the consent either of the transferor or of the transferee or of the employees themselves , wit
9 The German government is pushing the European Commission for the introduction of a carbon tax , arguing that it should not be dependent on the co-operation of the USA and Japan , which would only postpone its introduction indefinitely .
10 What is certain is that the ‘ no change ’ option will not be high on the list .
11 Please God he would n't be sick on the programme !
12 ‘ Do n't be hard on the lad , ’ said Pete , ‘ They got different problems , that 's all . ’
13 I pretended to be glad to see him , though my first thought was that Gill and I would n't be alone on the train back to Victoria .
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