Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [adj] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would not be consistent with the obligation for a national court to be subject to a precondition such as a requirement that it may not look behind the text of a national implementing measure unless it is first found to be ambiguous .
2 It would not be compatible with the duty of the Secretaries of State to ‘ promote the education of the people of England and Wales ’ , or with their accountability to Parliament , to abdicate from leadership on educational issues which have become a matter of lively public concern .
3 The achievement of that purpose must on occasion require action which has urgently to be taken , and the entertainment of representations may not be compatible with the urgency .
4 The achievement of that purpose must on occasion require action which has urgently to be taken , and the entertainment of representations may not be compatible with the urgency .
5 Initially , therefore , he was encouraged to play his individual game , to look after himself and not be obsessed with the players around him .
6 Our master , King Philip IV , will not be pleased with the news that his ships can not enter and leave the ports of Scotland without hindrance ! ’
7 Other examples of rules which may not be congruent with the requirements of fiduciary law are SIB Core Rule 2 , which states that where a firm has a material interest it must not knowingly act for the customer unless it takes steps to ensure his " fair treatment " ( this may not be sufficient under fiduciary law ) , and SIB Core Rule 25 which in conjunction with SFA Conduct of Business Rule 5 — 36(2) permits " front running " .
8 This method of pricing can cause problems for the assistant at the till or checkout point , who may not be familiar with the prices of unmarked goods .
9 Pickerage , wide-eyed and somewhat scornful , was clearly incredulous that anybody should not be familiar with the details of his own small world .
10 An agreement that the passing of risk shall not be simultaneous with the passing of property can be inferred from the circumstances .
11 Why should the range of companies affected by the statutory scheme of administrative receivers not be co-extensive with the range of companies affected by the underlying contractual receivership regime ?
12 The interests of these groups may or may not be identical with the interests of the ordinary users of these services .
13 The actions of terrorists in Northern Ireland can not be dignified with the description ’ military conflict ’ .
14 This does not , of course , imply that nurses should not be concerned with the prevention of unnecessary accidents .
15 The creditor would not be concerned with the question whether or not the surety had an adequate understanding of the transaction .
16 In respect of registered land , a transferee will not be concerned with the amount of stamp duty imposed on documents prior to the transfer to him ; the registrar is under a duty to check the sufficiency of the stamping on a document affecting registered land ( Stamp Act 1891 , s17 ) , so that an instrument can not be registered at HM Land Registry unless correctly stamped .
17 As we will not be ascending with the kite , such a feature is superfluous .
18 He reiterated his previous statements to the effect that " the traditional use of the coca leaf and its legal and beneficial by-products , as well as its social , cultural and religious contexts … should not be confused with the scourge of the illegal consumption of cocaine " .
19 Dark , as in the Lauren schemes , should not be confused with the chill of monochrome , as in The Halkin Hotel , whose rooms are more macho and functional than warm and cosy .
20 This should not be confused with the proposition that because judges lack business experience they are not competent to judge business issues .
21 However , these elements of care should not be confused with the treatment methods themselves , and there are clear delineations between the various professional practitioners .
22 It should not be confused with the carve gybe which is used in high winds without the centreboard .
23 This definition of the essential nature of firm-type organization must not be confused with the idea that only authority is used to direct resources within firms that exist in the real world .
24 Ryle 's examination of the relation between mind and body should not be confused with the behaviourist tenet that all ‘ unobservables ’ , such as consciousness , should be eliminated from the programme of psychology .
25 Certainly , the school should not be confused with the workshop — as is frequently the case — if only because it is then difficult to credit the " school " with any real meaning .
26 He should not be confused with the Mercator of Mercator 's projection in map-making ( Gerardus Gerhard Kremer , 1512–1594 ) .
27 These visions constitute the starting point of tragic drama and must not be confused with the Apolline visions of the epic poets ( or equally those of the visual artist ) .
28 However , the absence of an object or content of a representative kind must obviously not be confused with the absence of an object or content .
29 The Sports Council will not be happy with the decision and must now decide whether to go ahead with a threat to cut BAWA 's annual grant .
30 ‘ It might not be popular with the fans but we 've got to do that to keep our noses in front .
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