Example sentences of "[not/n't] being [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We have farms with dioxin-contaminated milk which must be transferred to the west midlands , where it is not being destroyed at the proper temperature , so dioxin is being spread in the west midlands .
2 Several adsorbents are available including silica gel , alumina , specially developed resins and activated carbon , the latter being the most important for odour removal , not being affected to the same extent by the presence of water vapour as are the other adsorbents .
3 President Mobutu of Zaire has publicly objected to not being acknowledged as the seventh richest man in the world .
4 They were afraid that if the Russian workers proved by demonstration that they were quite capable of managing their own affairs the workers of other countries would ask why their countries were not being governed in the same way …
5 If plants have anything wrong with them it may have already been there when they were obtained , or it is a sign that they are not being grown in the right conditions .
6 If you find that more than one radiator is cold and they are all upstairs , the heating system may be starved of water due to losses not being replaced via the feed-and-expansion tank .
7 If more than one radiator is cold and they are all upstairs , the heating system may be starved of water , caused by losses not being replaced via the feed-and-expansion tank .
8 Although we may suffer several colds each winter we are not being re-infected with the same virus .
9 Similarly , an overemphasis upon bringing doctors into the management process can lead to frustration if good reliable sources of information delivery are not being developed at the same time .
10 I became a story-teller : painting my face , filching a gaudily embroidered robe and , not being versed in the French tongue , pretending I was a traveller lately returned from seeing the fables of India and Persia .
11 The two are not being played in the First XV at the moment because they will not be available for the league matches , as they will be in Australia and Fiji with the national squad .
12 Different attitudes are required , capable of rising above and not being muddled by the pressing detail of daily affairs , bringing broad experience and greater discrimination to bear on planning and development issues .
13 To answer this question we need to know what is and is not being done in the primary visual cortex and here ow understanding has been greatly advanced by the computational approach to vision .
14 This new dating agency allows HER to check she 's not being paired with the Incredible Hulk and he can make sure that he is n't getting a real-life Grotbags .
15 ‘ It 's a question of some of the wiring not being routed in the correct way and in some cases this has caused a chafing or a short circuit , ’ said a Vauxhall spokesman yesterday .
16 Mr Geddes added that his group was of the view that the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , had failed to consult the Scottish people about water privatisation and was pursuing the matter in spite of it not being included in the Conservative election manifesto .
17 This in effect constitutes a plea bargain because the court is tacitly prepared to impose a modest sentence in return for its time , energy , and resources not being devoted to the expensive business of proving corporate guilt .
18 There was also concern that the interests of poorer nations were not being considered in the current General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) Uruguay Round [ for which see pp. 37227-28 ] .
19 The first edition , produced last March , contained 11 opportunities generating 15 enquiries — ‘ which may not seem a lot but in the context of the Scottish market , and the quality criteria we imposed , is impressive ’ — and with second going out to intermediaries — ‘ apart from not being allowed under the Financial Services Act to sent it out to the business community generally , we want to maintain the quality of submissions received ’ — in the last fortnight , Hally sees no reason for second thoughts .
20 Twenty-nine volumes , 5¾ X 3¾ ins. , whose small print must have been difficult to read by lamp or candle light , have survived and if these are typical of the whole library one might be forgiven , in 1984 , for not being surprised by the short life of the Society .
21 Because of the changed security situation and that type of er conflict not being envisaged in the same way now , what we felt was important was to be able to operate er apart from main operating bases , but also from sort of general purpose erm strips , flying clubs and those type of smaller airfields and therefore rather than looking at the damaged runway situation , we looked at the smaller strips and took a length that we could sensibly operate from erm and took that as the yardstick but clearly notwithstanding that , there is the prospect of damaged runways and therefore the slight relaxation would also apply to damaged runways but perhaps damaged to a lesser extent .
22 The more expensive end of the product range is not being retailed through the right kind of outlets .
23 demisters , di demisters , windscreen wipers and washers , keep windscreens , windows , lights , direction heaters , reflectors and mirrors and number plates clean and clear , do not drive with the defect upon suitable exhaust system , if L plates have been fitted , remove or covering , when the vehicle is not being used with the driving instruction or practice .
24 There are many problems associated with the use of teaching accommodation that are probably not unique to Oxford Polytechnic : for example , bunching of teaching in the middle of the week with under-use of rooms on Monday and Friday , and rooms not being used at the booked times .
25 One participant argued that it had potential , but that that potential was not being used to the full .
26 Mm yes , erm since the home office secretary 's initiative it 's progressing quite well , with interest from certainly Bassett , Newark Stanton on the Wolds Tollerton and some other of the rural Coldfield areas were interested in going forward , Bassett looked very very interested , we went to a meeting last night , eighteen parish councils were represented , er Beckingham is going to be the first one , they 've got a special that lives there who 's gon na take up the work , Superintendent came down last night to do a circular of em a questionnaire around the village and parish to get find out what people want , and then go and see what the specials able to provide and meet the two together and get some sort of contractive agreement , he 'll work from the police house there , he 'll have access to the car , when it 's not being used by the rural officer , also his radio .
27 It seems to me that , if we are spending £3 million on training someone to fly a fast jet and if , when he leaves the force — there are a lot of people leaving before their time is up — he is not being used in the reserve forces , that is a tremendous waste of a national resource .
28 you can not embark on an advertising program that is n't being funded by the higher profit made by the product
29 What is interesting is whether the women were there ready to work because they were marginal to the existing structure and were n't being allowed into the existing structure or , and I think there is evidence to show this , because they are actually more interested in being flexible , innovative and creative than in a tidy career track — that they are prepared to go nut and take chances .
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