Example sentences of "[not/n't] i do n't [vb infin] it " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Not I do n't think it is .
2 Well I have n't done anything at the moment because I did n't I did n't think it was worth it actually .
3 I do n't I do n't think it 's too much to do with the telephone .
4 No , it was n't I do n't think it was ca n't be ca n't be twenty five per cent
5 But I do n't I do n't think it affects
6 No no I I do n't I do n't like it er it er no I simply do n't like it .
7 I do n't I do n't believe it is erm at the mo well earlier this week a report was published by the National Commission on Education which was er an independent erm Commission that was set up erm and they they 've said that basically what we need to be doing is t if we 're trying to raise standards is to keep the idea of having an all graduate profess profession followed up by high quality for train training for teachers once they 've actually started work .
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