Example sentences of "[not/n't] you [vb infin] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't you miss the city life ? ’
2 Why ca n't you avoid the magistrates court in this case ?
3 Do n't you want a dust bin .
4 Do n't you just do n't you go the Registry Office ?
5 ‘ Do n't you 'ave a mantelpiece clock , then ? ’ asked Annie .
6 Erm I 've given a zero for all the effects because they of money erm if it i if , if this idea works well then we consider that growth next year as well but to be prudent wh why did n't you justify the service environment rule , to be prudent , erm , I , I have assumed that will be a proper effect and therefore I 'm not assume the potential of next year 's base budget .
7 ‘ Why did n't you tell the Westwood fellow you were leaving , let him bring you home ?
8 Why do n't you have a go mum ?
9 Do n't you remember the canteen lady leaving to get the last tram ? ’
10 ‘ Do n't you know a plague town when you see one ?
11 Would n't , would n't you need the peasant mobilization first ?
12 Yeah , but thing is I mean , you know , there 's a lot of kids out there , I mean I 've know with , sort of , Lee 's friend you know , okay , with us I mean with Lee o okay we do n't I 've often said to him , why do n't you get a Saturday job ?
13 ‘ Why could n't you get a rowing machine like anyone else ? ’
14 ‘ Ca n't you get an emergency payment of some sort ? ’
15 Why did n't you get the Christmas pudding ?
16 ‘ I 've got to look over my shoulder , because there 's always somebody that says ‘ Well , why did n't you take a stat sample ? ’
17 Why do n't you take a sleeping pill ?
18 Why do n't you take the duty room and go and lie down for a couple of hours ? ’
19 Ca n't you keep the kid quiet ? ’
20 ‘ Ca n't you let an estate agent handle that ? ’
21 Why do n't you put a deck chair out there ?
22 Why do n't you put a deck chair there ?
23 Oh , why do n't you put a pay lock on ?
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