Example sentences of "[not/n't] a [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A debenture holder is not a member of the company and is entitled to interest on his debenture stock whether the company earns a profit in the accounting year or not .
2 If , on the other hand , a person decides to invest in a company by taking debentures ( a loan made by the investor to the company which is normally ‘ secured ’ ) that person is not a member of the company and has no involvement in the running of the company .
3 In contrast with a shareholder , the debentureholder is in law not a member of the company having rights in it , but a creditor having rights against it .
4 As regards ( a ) , the Act further provides that a transfer by the deceased 's personal representative , even if he is not a member of the company , is as valid as if he had been .
5 erm One of our buyers , Spain , er was not in favour of that solution because they were not a member of the tornado team and they did not want to see some kind of old boys club er running this project which was very important to them .
6 I should perhaps add that I was not a member of the committee who heard these appeals in the first hearing since I became involved only when your Lordships who sat in the first hearing suggested a second hearing under my chairmanship and accordingly I have not been asked to consider this matter apart from the discussion of the extracts from Hansard which have been put before us in this appeal .
7 It 's not a member of the committee .
8 Crewe boss Gradi is the only manager of a club in either the Premier or Football League not a member of the organisation — and it 's partly down to the incorrect spelling of his surname .
9 A lease , because of the involvement of the landlord ( who is not or who at any rate in his capacity as landlord is not a member of the firm ) , needs not only an appropriate declaration that the named partners joined as lessees hold the term on trust but also : ( a ) a declaration that possession of the demised premises by partners who are not trustees of the lease shall not by itself constitute a breach of the usual covenants against parting with or sharing possession ; ( b ) a provision which dispenses with the landlord 's consent ( or makes it automatic ) to an assignment of the demised premises to partners other than the original lessees or to the vesting of the premises in new trustees for the firm .
10 If either partner is not a member of the Society their application must be approved in writing by two adult members of the Society .
11 The full status for the male is achieved only after killing an enemy , who , by definition , is anyone not a member of the home village .
12 The person who needs to unblock the money is not a member of the Government but Commissioner Millan .
13 The editor passed the letter to a person whom he knew to be an ‘ outside broker ’ ( one who does Stock Exchange business but is not a member of the Exchange ) but whose honesty he had no reason to suspect .
14 The broker may , in any event , act only as agent if he is not a member of the exchange at all but deals on the exchange through a member or , indeed , in the case of over-the-counter transactions .
15 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : The Hon. Gentleman was not a member of the Standing Committee , so he may be unaware that the disposal programme will start in the autumn and will continue for a considerable time .
16 " No , I was not : I 'm not a member of the South Tipperary Brigade , but I heard the details from one of the lads there , and they 've since been confirmed by the Big Fellow himself . "
17 The EC includes France and excludes the USA ; NATO includes the USA , but France ( see table 1.1 ) is not a member of the alliance 's integrated command .
18 The NCT is not a member of the campaign .
19 A few weeks later , he also reported with some amusement how he had involved a colleague ( not a member of the group ) in discussion about another pupil when he had caught both himself and his colleague ‘ fixing ’ the child inadvertently in his bad behaviour .
20 Every middle-class employee is certainly not a member of the bourgeoisie , but most sociologists would also feel that the middle class are not true proletarians either , even though they own no wealth .
21 Nguyen Manh Cam , a former Deputy Foreign Minister and ambassador to the Soviet Union , was not a member of the politburo or secretariat .
22 ‘ It is permissible for the data to be used for accident prevention purposes , but the source of the information must not be divulged to anyone who is not a member of the Authority . ’
23 For a researcher who is not a member of the community under study — which is nearly always the case — it may be difficult to decide which utterances belong to which code , in the case where the two languages in contact are very similar .
24 I do n't mind you at all , but the boys they 'd be suspicious of anyone who 's not a member of the police force , and that 's how people will see you : you 're not a member of the force ’ ( FN 23/10/87 , p. 20 ) .
25 This was star billing indeed for a junior minister and Sir Robin Day mischievously asked Mr Major why Mrs Shephard was in the line-up if she was not a member of the Cabinet .
26 But Palmerston 's surprise at the announcement seems genuine , and Hall , who was not a member of the Cabinet , probably failed to keep it informed about his proposals .
27 Although he was not a member of the SCSE , Lukyanov was accused by the RSFSR leadership of being the " main ideologist " behind the coup .
28 Even if your client is not a member of the trade union structure within the works , try and contact the trade union organisers .
29 Charles was only here on sufferance , not a member of the club .
30 A certain Mr Tomlinson was in trouble ‘ having several times played in the upper part of the links with some gentleman who was not a member of the Club and who had on each occasion omitted to pay his green fee ’ ( at this time 2s. 6d . ) .
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