Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [vb pp] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 LIFESPAN can be set to automatically offline modules which have not been accessed for a configurable latency period .
2 This section describes those facilities available within LIFESPAN to transfer modules to offline storage automatically when they have not been accessed for a configurable period of time .
3 Alternatively , an automatic offline requestor ( STOREMAN ) is available to select modules which have not been accessed for a configurable period of time .
4 There were two posts allocated for social workers , but these had not been filled for a long time .
5 That means programs have still not been written for a whole range of complex new tasks that GPs will be asked to do .
6 The clothes had not been disturbed for a long time and were as thick and tangled as jungle foliage .
7 After all , in 1,189 densely-printed pages , space has not been found for a single illustration .
8 Yet even though in my part Welsh has not been spoken for a long time , and indeed the natives have even forgotten the Welsh pronunciation of our Celtic place-names , it would not cross my neighbours ' minds that just living there makes me Welsh .
9 Dust layered the bottom of the chamber pot ; it had not been used for a long time and was probably meant for show .
10 London Ambulance Service workers claimed the system crash last October led to people 's deaths , but yesterday 's document said an examination of 26 cases considered by coroners ' courts showed the LAS had not been blamed for a single death .
11 It was felt that this type of exercise would probably not be repeated for a few years .
12 His sour grapes should not be mistaken for an accurate impression of the flavour of Charles 's court in December 842 .
13 But there were Schonfeld supporters who came perilously close to arguing that , if Jewish children could not be saved for a particular sector of the faith , they were not worth saving at all .
14 ( 2 ) It is generally acceptable to state that an offer will not be made for a particular period of time .
15 Sean Murray of Philip Morris said that their considerable arts programme will not be affected for a long time , and that the legislation is designed to prohibit brand promotion , not corporate publicity .
16 They also may not be prepared for a long walk to a phone .
17 It was clear that the Japanese war effort could not be extended for an appreciable period in the light of the allied command of the sea and air and the nature of the crippling conventional bombing by American planes .
18 effects would not be known , would not be known for a considerable period of time .
19 The precise outcome of these changes will not be known for a little while , but regrettably it will almost certainly result in a lower financial provision for IT and many other areas in the longer term , and quite probably a significant lower level of commitment to new grants in all areas in the current academic session , since the sharpest adjustment needs to be made for 1991/92 .
20 The unique Client name is already known to LIFESPAN and therefore can not be used for a new Client name .
21 The document could not be used for an independent inquiry arising out of other facts .
22 Choose an open , sunny site where brassicas have n't been grown for a few years .
23 ‘ He had n't been beaten for a long time , and was very confident so I think defeat came as a bit of a shock .
24 it does n't matter because all of them are as it happens fairly er new and indeed as Kevin says quite correctly , dry because they have n't been used for a long time .
25 ‘ I 've told her he 's travelling between America and Mexico and ca n't be reached for a few days .
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