Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [verb] in the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The UK Government has pressed beneficiaries of UK development aid to respect human rights , but the death penalty has not been raised in the negotiations .
2 Mrs B asked that her children be sent to their father , who was working in England , and had not been implicated in the allegations of abuse .
3 This has not been done in the interests of achieving a restrictively formalist , text-immanent reading of the story , nor is it suggested that contextual detail does not have a part to play in a multidimensional , interpretative process .
4 They had not been schooled in the symptoms of such abuse , but she told reporters that the abuse of children was such a terrible problem in society , that everyone should be on the look-out for it .
5 The cost of coffee is being investigated by the Office of Fair Trading after claims that price falls on international markets have not been matched in the shops .
6 What their Lordships find still more important in this case is that important evidence was adduced which had not been foreshadowed in the depositions .
7 Such employees might well have claims for compensation against the UK government for defective implementation of the Directive , if they can show that , had the restriction not been included in the Regulations , their claim would have succeeded .
8 They have not been included in the examples given in Figs 2.1 and 2.2 .
9 Witnesses in the car said Williams had not been driving at an excessive speed and had not been distracted in the moments before the car went out of control , said Mr Hardy .
10 The explanation for this can not be sought in the tenses of the verbs that the testator has used , for they are all historic with respect to the time the will was made and ought on that basis to refer to no time later than that .
11 false markets may not be made in the shares of the target company , the bidding companies or any other connected companies ;
12 Local higher education departments could often be interested in carrying out interviews — a bookseller 's own staff would not be trained in the techniques and would inevitably be biased .
13 She had met John briefly on Friday night and he told her that someone had told him that men who fought with the International Brigade would not be accepted in the Forces .
14 G cells could not be detected in the fetuses of 13 and 15 weeks ' gestation .
15 Ideologies can not be transcended in the realms of thought and reason .
16 Laws passed by Parliament can not be challenged in the courts
17 Whether a contract is of a standard type or a ‘ one-off ’ , it must contain certain elements , otherwise it can not be enforced in the courts .
18 The bidding process began in the polytechnics in 1989 , coming into operation in 1990 , but the system will not be used in the universities until 1991/92 .
19 Although wireless networks could not be linked in the mountains and that night fog obscured lamp signals , the platoons regrouped at pre-arranged rendezvous .
20 The video , Right First Time , will not be appearing in the shops , but is designed to highlight the importance of a team approach to Inroads ' work .
21 " Payment in " shall not be mentioned in the pleadings and the notice must not be with the pleadings or documents for the use of the court at the trial or arbitration until after its decision , except in the case of a defence of tender , or the filing of a plea under the Libel Acts ( Ord 11 , r 7 ) .
22 What can be substituted meaningfully in one of the above groups may not be substituted in the others .
23 2.15.9 such parts of the main structure walls foundations and roofs of the Centre that are not included in the Premises and that would not be included in the Premises demised by the Leases of all the other units in the Centre if let on the same terms as this Lease
24 And so in conclusion I looking at it and the exhibitions we 've made to you and to the county in the course of the consultation draft is that this county does not need this policy and that it is in fact an insidious and repressive kind of policy that it contrary to national planning guidance and should not be included in the alterations .
25 If the amount of preservatives in the final jam is very low — too low to have any preservative effect on the product — jam , it need not be included in the ingredients list .
26 Apocryphal tales gallop across the country with lightning speed , and there is rarely a moment when some bizarre story is not being spread in the interests of gossip and exaggeration .
27 It has n't been reported in the papers then yet ?
28 Can I touch on another thing , which I think , has n't been mentioned in the notes , but is very much in our minds .
29 What is important is that ‘ other products ’ ca n't be made in the hours used for the order .
30 This large collection contains nothing which could n't be found in the libraries of a major city such as Middenheim or Altdorf ( allow any scholarly type an Int test to realize this ) , except for the Chaos/heresy works , which would be restricted-access in the temples .
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