Example sentences of "[not/n't] to [be] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 True , the local history researcher is more likely to be pursuing investigations through source materials provided by Anglo-Saxon charters , medieval rolls , maps , land grants , muster documents and the like , but the uses of heraldry are not to be despised in the processes of rounding out historical themes .
2 His undoubted personal success in the 1920s in Birmingham was not to be repeated in the 1930s , as fascism made less impact there than in the East End of London or the north-west .
3 This is a point not to be neglected in the context of the film criticism which has become dominant in Anglo-American culture studies .
4 It was greatly taken amiss that they were not to be seen in the bombed vicinities .
5 Animals were demoniacs and possessed souls , albeit not to be seen in the best company , but were unequivocally free agents ( Evans 1987 : 66–7 ) . )
6 But again , there is always a residuum of unpredictability ; we can always opt to choose not to be influenced in the predicted direction .
7 However , it will presumably be rare that a business can be held not to be acting in the course of business if it sells goods on its standard terms .
8 They were not to be employed in the sick wards , and under no circumstances was an inmate to be allowed to nurse a sick fellow .
9 Although only fragments remain , Dunseverick manages not to be outdone in the legend stakes ; Conal Caernach who lived here is said to have witnessed the crucifixion of Christ while serving in the Roman army .
10 Not to be outdone in the amatory stakes , Grunte recommended a dozen oysters .
11 Ken obstinately and successfully resisted what in effect was a royal command , saying that ‘ A woman of ill repute ought not to be endured in the house of a clergyman , least of all that of a royal chaplain . ’
12 This , of course , entirely alters the position from last Thursday ( when Gen McNarney told us categorically that his orders were that American troops were not to be used in the Yugoslav affair . ) ! "
13 The old Welsh laws , dating from the middle of the tenth century , make it clear that the oxen were not to be used in the afternoon ; and as Seebohm points out a cyvar ( or co-ploughing , where different people contributed different members of the ox-team and the plough itself ) ended at noon .
14 non-descriptors or terms which are not to be used in the index but which appear in the thesaurus in order to expand the entry vocabulary ( terms through which the user can enter the thesaurus and be directed to the appropriate term ) of the indexing language .
15 This does not apply if the parties agree that the vehicle is not to be used in the condition in which it is when sold , and a document to this effect is signed by them and given to the buyer at the time of delivery .
16 The precocity displayed by Ypres and Ghent in securing a candidate favourable to their industrial future was not to be imitated in the rest of France in the twelfth century ; still , other rulers , particularly those of Champagne , learned from it of the profit to be derived from allying with the increasingly powerful mercantile or industrial classes .
17 Artists like these , however , whose influence on lettering has been a liberating one , are not to be found in The Spirit of the Letter at Portsmouth City Museum and Art Gallery .
18 finally , Conservatism is characterized by political scepticism , or the belief that ‘ political wisdom … is not to be found in the theoretical speculations of isolated thinkers ’ .
19 He complained at length about a Gallic bishop called Aldebert , who held services at springs and groves instead of in properly consecrated churches , spurned the established saints ' cults by distributing his own finger-nails as saintly relics , and invoked the names of archangels which were not to be found in the Bible .
20 It also contains cheerful indiscretions not to be found in the official regimental history .
21 Where * appears , the generic name has been introduced recently and is not to be found in the older sources , while names marked ** are based on Irish exemplars , no Scottish names being known , and have been adapted for Gaelic as necessary .
22 Our brief list contains four which are not to be found in the BL catalogue as we have seen .
23 In Malone , the Court was asked to recognize a limited common-law right to privacy whereas in Kennedy the Court was asked to take the much bolder step and apply in this sensitive area an implied constitutional right to privacy which was not to be found in the Constitution .
24 And the answer to this is not to be found in the histories of individuals .
25 Even in the few years since Volumes I and II of the Supplement were published , numerous words and meanings in the range A-N have emerged which are therefore not to be found in the largest Oxford Dictionary .
26 The answer is not to be found in the express provisions of article 7 .
27 It was true , conceded the newspaper , that black faces were not to be found in the ranks of the Household Division of the Guards .
28 To permit the ex turpi causa defence to be relied upon as an answer to such a claim would , in my view , narrow to a substantial extent the deliberately wide wording of section 6(1) of the Act of 1978 and would , in effect , make a claim for contribution subject to a condition precedent which is not to be found in the Act .
29 What is more , the Spirit of God , and the shekinah , or glory of God , were not to be found in the Second Temple ( b .
30 Who among us , hand on heart , is prepared to say that he has never propelled a club through the air after fluffing a pitch in the weekend medal , or let slip an expression not to be found in the Royal and Ancient 's book of etiquette ?
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