Example sentences of "[not/n't] the [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But he maintained that was not the purpose of the composite he moved on behalf of the Tottenham constituency party .
2 That is not the purpose of the legislation .
3 The subskills themselves are not the purpose of the activity , but they must be developed to serve the needs of the higher-level complex activity .
4 Paragraph B suggests that er we 're dealing with a report which proports to address er community leadership and representation that 's not the purpose of the report .
5 1.8 The definition of " contributory negligence " in s1(1) of the Law Reform ( Contributory Negligence ) Act 1945 ( see Appendix B ) refers to " the claimant 's share in the responsibility for the damage " ( not the responsibility for the cause of the damage ) .
6 For too long I thought this type of training was not the responsibility of the vet .
7 Phrases like ‘ unauthorized purchase — not the responsibility of the company ’ rumbled around the room .
8 No distinction will be made between the two funds involved even though one of them was not the responsibility of the Department of Trade and Industry .
9 But ‘ goodness of fit ’ is not the whole of the art of curve fitting — users are encouraged to step through other equation fits , viewing the data and residuals plots as well as the data tables , and all are very conveniently accomplished .
10 The attention of people in Britain was focused on the area where Marlborough was campaigning , particularly because this was the area of the greatest military and financial commitment , but this was not the whole of the struggle .
11 It has proved extremely difficult , too , to find significant changes in attitudes in many markets except over a rather long period — which does not disprove the theory , but suggests either that advertising does not work very fast , which no one wishes to admit , or that attitudes are not the whole of the story .
12 Yes , I mean it 's not the whole of the market , admittedly , and we are still encouraging our own countrymen to take a holiday in this country erm but if one 's blunt about it , yes , it 's erm a large sector of the market and one that is , one we 've got to get back to come up to last year 's levels .
13 The eminent weekend ‘ assessors ’ are no doubt most conscientious in their task and , despite the apparent absence of a ‘ score card ’ , come to their conclusions in inviolate objectivity , but that is not the whole of the process .
14 We are urging that law is , in truth , not the will of the State , but that from which the will of the State derives whatever moral authority it may possess .
15 Repatriation was not the concern of the embassy , they must go to the British Consulate , a little distance away on the other side of the Brandenburg Gate .
16 At least , is this not the tendency in the beginning with most very young children and certainly with lively , healthy ones ?
17 ‘ You are so young , so tender — you know not the wickedness of the world , of devious and ambitious rascals .
18 ABOVE The Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei ( 1564–1642 ) , who got into trouble with the Roman Catholic Church because he stated in public that , as a result of his observations , he had come to the conclusion that the Earth was not the centre of the Universe .
19 As US scientist Lester Pearson said , ‘ There is a need for a revolution in mankind 's ( sic ) thinking as basic as the one introduced by Copernicus , who first pointed out that the earth was not the centre of the universe . ’
20 Where such stories differ from many adult ‘ romances ’ is in the inclusion of strong female characters and the relegation of romance to the edge and not the centre of the girl 's world .
21 Edit the RDBI configuration file and ensure that all relational database users specified at the MAP USERNAME keyword are valid i.e. if DEC Rdb/VMS is the target database then all users are existing VMS users , or if ORACLE is the target database than all users are valid ORACLE users ( but not the name of the transfer account ) .
22 The fines are up to £1,000 and the provision arises as a result of the introduction of police cameras on roads which provide evidence of offences such as speeding or jumping traffic lights where the police are in possession of the vehicle number but not the name of the driver .
23 To recommend to Council whether the findings and decision should be published and whether or not the name of the respondent should be divulged .
24 Wordsworth , Blake , Chaucer , George Eliot , she knew well , but not the name of the capital of Chad or the number of trade union-sponsored MPs in the House of Commons .
25 The value but not the content of the offence is returned .
26 Lord Rees-Mogg said : ‘ People complained because of the scheduling and not the content of the scene .
27 Thus what is interesting about the women 's magazines in England during the first years of the twentieth century is not the content of the advice given on child rearing , but the fact that so little advice is given at all ; sometimes , from one year to the next , children are barely mentioned save for the occasional appealing illustrations , the pattern for a christening bonnet or the recipe for a nursery pudding .
28 He stopped speaking for a moment , like a man walking who comes to a brink ; perhaps it was an artful pause , but it made the stars , the night , seem to wait , as if story , narration , history , lay imbricated in the nature of things ; and the cosmos was for the story , not the story for the cosmos .
29 Mind you , it 's not the size of the workload that matters — after all , gardening is supposed to be fun — but the agony of deciding which jobs to do first .
30 The value of A 2 will tell us whether or not the size of the polymer coil , which is dissolved in a particular solvent , will be perturbed or expanded over that of the unperturbed state , but the extent of this expansion is best estimated by calculating the expansion factor α .
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