Example sentences of "[that] we have [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I explained to him about what we 've done up to date and the fact that we 've yet to sort the account out properly .
2 But I suppose as a bowling green then you but he said that we 've already cut the stick their neck out will they ?
3 With all the uncertainty and anxiety in our industry at the moment , it 's good to see that we 've not forgotten the needs of African farmers who anxieties are often far more acute than our own .
4 Most significant news of all is that we 've just won the highly respected Dataquest Customer Satisfaction Poll against competition from the other best manufacturing names in the industry .
5 The fact that we 've both done the same thing — I was an actress although I 'm a writer now — is totally unimportant .
6 ‘ The problem about us , ’ said Helen , ‘ is that we 've never felt the same way about money as most other people seem to . ’
7 It 's obscene , in the nineteen nineties at a time of three million plus unemployed that we 've still have a skill shortage in this country .
8 We 've had lectures in the biology area , in physics , in engineering and in chemistry , so that we 've really spanned the whole shooting match really as far as that goes , and of course we try to put something into these lectures for those doing the most advanced work in the sixth form and also for those doing O levels , let's say , and some who are younger even than that .
9 Secondly I think the sad thing is is that at one time the idea of the foyer bar was the fact that er mother 's and children go in for a coffee facility or tea facility now I 'm I 'm one of one of the problems about criticism is is perhaps they do n't know all the facts and one of the facts which I think astounded me was the actual local police stopped that and said that that was n't permissible for if you were selling alcohol then it did n't it was n't right that that children under age and young children were allowed in the same area and that was that was changed then we got a new a new police superintendent and he said it was permissible and then we got another super he went they do n't stay very long in Harlow and we got somebody else came along and he said no that is n't permissible so we got very schizophrenic about what you could do with the foyer bar one minute you could have and the idea of about telling people and there young mothers going shopping come here for coffee , cakes for the children etc stop that we 've now got a new superintendent in Harlow and I think with applied going back to him and saying well please advice us can we or ca n't we ?
10 Innocently I point out that we 'd better return the key to him , since if we leave the flat unattended he could say we stole his best furniture .
11 But I mean he was very interested and when I said that we 'd actually done a recycling directory and that I was thinking
12 It 's a , it 's a fascinating report and having been involved in the Food Forum discussion , when we , it was reported to us that we 'd actually lost a community nutritionist , I read this with great interest to see just how now the professional was seen through sections .
13 ‘ Everything 5 kg and up that we had already measured the energetics of . ’
14 ‘ When we split up I was really pissed off that we had n't achieved a lot of things we could have done , and that mood was coming through in the last records because it was depressing .
15 Oh they had I must tell you now that at the time that we had n't got a car at all , on the occasion of a royal visit , or some very important action being taken , my Chief Constable used to hire a chauffeur driven car from Mr of Lane in Ipswich .
16 Curiously , when you ask them how they would react to deletion of the procedure of inviting criticism of their draft reports from the regulations , their response is along the lines of : ‘ If we were not required to do it we would probably carry out a similar course of action unofficially in order to ensure that we had not missed an important point . ’
17 It was as warm as summer , the temperature an amazing 15.5° C. So warm that we had earlier seen a comma butterfly on the wing .
18 So that told us that we had better get a full-scale defence working immediately . ’
19 This question was supposed to be about the Baltic states , but as we have become hooked on gold , I think that we had better have the answer .
20 As was explained in Chapter 1 , we could never be quite sure that we had indeed found the correct theory , since theories ca n't be proved .
21 Naturally , before we could get involved , we first had to show the Vietnamese government that we had truly grasped the often complex problems of its country .
22 Is my right hon. Friend aware that during a recent visit I made to Albania on behalf of the Council of Europe , politicians of all parties expressed a keen interest in receiving British know-how , but were disappointed that we have yet to establish a British embassy in Tirane ?
23 ‘ It would appear , then , that we have both struck a satisfactory bargain . ’
24 This in itself shows that we have already become a recognised part of the local scene , but it is of particular interest now , in that 1991 marks the centenary of this event .
25 Colleagues , the important thing about the agreement so far , is that we have already destroyed the myth , perpetuated by the employers , that joint work across national boundaries in Euro- multinationals are inappropriate because of differences in trade union cultures , organization and systems of collective bargaining .
26 We often find that we have already tackled the problem and have a solution ready and waiting .
27 But what persuades me that we have not heard the last of Havel the writer is that he combines a total commitment to social freedom and individual responsibility with an extraordinary ironic detachment .
28 The issue is far more complicated and it is only fair to note that we have not reached a stage of knowledge when we can easily say what explains the status of women among the different peoples of the world .
29 These changes in mortality , especially among the old elderly , suggest that we have not reached the maximum human lifespan .
30 Many supporters , I know , feel uneasy that Proby is returning and are dismayed that we have not seen the last of what the Whaddon and Mitchley Argus called ‘ The Headcase Half Back ’ .
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