Example sentences of "[that] we have [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And er , I like the fact that we 've got similar cottages down here , we 've got this one here , but similar ones there so there 's nothing in the picture which sort of erm detracts from that er very pretty , that little cottage .
2 Everybody knows — including I think members of the Council from all three political groups — everybody knows that we 've got increasing numbers of elderly people , we 've got increasing numbers of disabled and mentally ill people in the community , and if there is one service , and I know there are others , but if there is one service that needs constant new growth it 's Social Services , and that 's not me empire building or anything like that , that 's me simply saying in straight managerial terms there are forces which require us to increase the Social Services budget .
3 One year later she and her husband were expressing their thanks to the Home Support Project for helping them to go on looking after Mrs Cummings at home , and said that although it was still a strain it was ‘ nowhere near as hard as it has been , now that we 've got other people to help us ’ .
4 Yeah , whoever put this plant on the stairs did n't realize that we 've got silly people like you in the house
5 Er the fact that we 've had low unemployment rates is due er mainly to the fact that provision was made for employment er in past years , and we want to make provision now to ensure that unemployment is as low as possible in the future .
6 When our first Report on the primary stages was submitted to Mr Baker at the end of September 1988 , he felt that we had given insufficient emphasis to the teaching of grammar .
7 When we came overseas that metal trailer that we had had heavy wheels on it .
8 We agreed to a limited extension on the basis that we would have to show the court that we had provided reasonable opportunity for the Department to consider the matter .
9 Will the Minister confirm that we have stopped medium-term cover for the Soviet Union longer than any other OECD country ?
10 And now that we have snatched trendy World Cup in Waterford crystal from under the very proper nose of the Englishmen , we have won an additional right to talk about it .
11 From the foregoing work that Tim Grant and I set in motion I believe that we have gained certain value .
12 And , perhaps going back a bit and looking at the history of the last ten years , it is important to realize that we have developed small centres as well as large ones .
13 ‘ Much remains to be done to grasp the opportunities that will arise , but I believe that we have made real progress in starting to do just that . ’
14 I am pleased that we have made good progress in this strategy by gaining a strong portfolio of business in the UK private sector and overseas .
15 So to say , ‘ Jesus is God ’ , does not imply or claim that we have made direct observation of a hidden ‘ divine nature ’ in him , or explored his relationship with the Father from the inside .
16 I think that it would be helpful if , at this point , I were to remind the House that we have made special provision for students in certain groups .
17 I hope that the Minister will realise that we have made sensible suggestions .
18 By contrast , the syndrome that we have termed refractory pouchitis ( RP ) is comparatively rare .
19 John Chant asked how the above was progressing and I explained that we have had initial draft typeset — he has asked to see a copy which I have passed to him today .
20 If you suggest that we have produced ineffective propaganda , that may well be true , but doctors are not trained to do that .
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