Example sentences of "[that] he [verb] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The original recipients of Hilton 's text , however , as is clear from the very fact that he wrote for them in the vernacular , were not interested in comparative academic study , but in particular guidance which would enable them to fully integrate their religious faith in their lives .
2 Mackay did not return to Scotland after 1885 and there is little evidence that he thought of himself as a Scot , except in a very conventional , stereotypical way .
3 He had treated her exactly as he 'd said he would , and not even for an instant had Kate had even a bat 's twinkling that he thought of her as an attractive woman .
4 Miss Groundwater — he found that he thought of her in this way again , as a fillip to rage — was seated at her mirror , already in her nightgown , brushing out her hair .
5 She knew he cared , he showed it , but he would n't say the things she wanted to hear — that he cared for her to the exclusion of all others , and wanted her in his life to the exclusion of all others .
6 You are Friend — she studied the symbols of Friend 's identity with all that he meant to her of acceptance and caring , frightened that she was showing the nebulae of her longing for him too — but I can not read you perfectly .
7 The thing about Tim is that he came to us with a experience of a polishing shop so he was very well placed to help us improve our spiriting-out technique that is so necessary on a fine shellac finish .
8 She spoke with such soft intensity that he stared at her for a long , thoughtful moment .
9 She says that he thinks of her as Mum .
10 Because you know money-wise because we were not content to sit back and see er schemes being introduced that , which were going to act as a deterrent to er our members er being able to earn wages er on incentives and so therefore erm what happened was that we agreed that the consultants er head personnel manager would come down and talk to each group of people who were being put on to the incentive scheme , one , in order that he go over everything with them in regard to its application , and two , then answer any practical questions er where our members may find that there could be difficulties .
11 Jenkins was fortunate that he brought with him to the Home Office an intuitive understanding that it is how issues and incidents are handled , more than the policies which are decided upon , that can make or break a Home Secretary 's reputation .
12 When my Noble Friend was kind enough to say that he looked to me for help as being I think he said an ornament on the front bench , was n't quite certain whether that was supposed to be a compliment or not , but I thought an ornament or something that you that sat upon a er er er er er upon a shelf and looked pretty , but did n't actually do anything .
13 It means living with the perspective that we are in touch with the Lord Whose Son died so that we might enjoy the sort of life that He planned for us at the beginning of Genesis , and living with that perspective and privilege .
14 The strange thing was that he spoke to everybody with a different accent .
15 No longer does he cling on to the status that he wrested from him with such arrogance and cruelty .
16 He responds to us all in different ways , to his sister , Amanda , he 's always smiled at her and we say that he looks at her at her in his cute way . ’
17 His mother says that he talked to her about it and she tried to convince him that he was misinterpreting what he had seen and heard , but as far as I can learn John never mentioned it to anyone else until late in life , when telling Dr Schäfer about the thoughts which led him to make his ballet Spuren .
18 The way that most materialists try to reconcile their flight from behaviourism with their materialist world picture is to say that when V sees something , and BS observes V 's brain , BS knows everything about V 's mental states that V himself knows , but that he knows about it in a different way .
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