Example sentences of "[that] you have [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I was very pleased that you 'd had a good go at that
2 When we were talking just now before the programme started I think you said that you were n't sure that you 'd had a great deal of contact with the university one way or another , but surely you 've been surrounded by university people ?
3 " … giving him the impression , as indeed it would to anyone who did not know the district , that you had secured a well-appointed house or flat in Chelsea , at a very reasonable figure ? "
4 Yes , I can probably give you a brief answer , because er , in that you 've raised a whole host of other things , erm , which erm , er , we need to , we need to think about and , and debate , and I hope we 'll have further occasions to do so .
5 I know that you 've made a particular study of the Muddletonians .
6 To find that you 've left a large space for a larege number of flowers none of which turn up .
7 You see , Mr McKillop , although I 'm reasonably happy to accept you as Elsie 's brother and I appreciate that you 've put a great deal of work into tracking her down , I 'm bound to say that I respect Elsie 's wishes to start life afresh and leave her old life behind .
8 It also means that you 've spent a productive few hours studying , which is a major contribution to your weekly workload .
9 And you need to choose a P E P manager per year , so if you 're already with one P E P manager , you 've either got to buy him out and give it to another P E P manager , or you can , you can erm er choose another one each year in other words , I do a different P E P each year , with a different manager , and that keeps everything moving so that you 've got a good spread .
10 So that you 've got a vague idea of er what 's going to befall you for the rest of today ?
11 Do n't you find , about five o'clock each day , that you 've got a polite smile permanently creased into your face , like rigor mortis ? ’
12 I think that it is sensible , even when you send stuff out to subbies , to make sure that you 've got a reasonable plan , especially when you send out to subbies , because they 're very hard to control anyway and you 've got to make sure that you 've not sent unrealistic targets , either too high or too low .
13 We will return one of the schedules to you when the Account is opened so that you 've got a permanent record of your calculations .
14 The real benefit from this is that you 've got a full page , and a full diary .
15 Okay , so they may ask you to use something which you have n't necessarily had to do before so that they 're really all that the examiner 's testing is that you 've got a little bit of nous , a little bit of savvy and with what you 've got available you can improvise a dressing or use the dressing in a sensible manner so that your casualty 's comfortable and you 're doing the best you can for them , okay ?
16 I mean , that I should be sitting here telling you that you 've got a passionate nature , within ten minutes of meeting you … !
17 Or if they do manage to put you in a bedroom , remember that you 've got a whole camera team there , and they usually want to do some extraordinary shot from very close up , so they put you right on the edge of the bed , probably on a board which you 're about to fall off at any minute .
18 Yes I mean th th th th the fact that you 've got a whole range of problems an an and you , you were bound to come up against those problems if you try and define Marxist in a strict sense , and therefore you , you were always seeking to sort of make .
19 If you do n't make a sale , or it was a successful day , it 's the fact that you 've had a full day of activity that matters .
20 You now realise that you have accepted a secondary role and sacrificed too much , whilst three of the planets in Capricorn signify that , regardless of the consequences , you must break out .
21 Like elastic bands wound up , feelings of inadequacy or guilt , or just knots in the stomach , are indications that you have touched a basic tension .
22 It is a tribute I suppose to the English language that there are so many forms of circumlocution that it is remarkably easy to persuade yourself that you have made a bold statement , or conveyed the bad news , whilst in reality there is no conceivable possibility that the recipient has actually understood what you are talking about .
23 You can then congratulate yourself for going over your time , or at least by persevering satisfy yourself that you have made a little headway .
24 ‘ I see that you have become a valued member of Mr Sands ’ ladies ' sewing circle . ’
25 One glance at your well laid out , impeccably presented sequence of facts and arguments may be enough to convince an experienced manager that you have done a sound job .
26 This is the kind of thing that we really ought to be addressing because this actually addresses the safety of people in this county , not only the safety of people , this addresses the safety of property as well and there 's no disagreement about the fact that this enormous development that 's happened over the last few years in an area where you 've got a regular traffic snarl-ups mean that you have got a potential disaster there on your hands and we 're jolly lucky we have n't any more serious incidents than we 've had already and so I can see no reason why these two mo these two amendments should n't both happily be accepted though I 'm very cynical about the number of times we 've spent the airport money already and sooner or later we 've obviously got to actually seriously address that but the important thing is that we do all take it seriously and it seems that we all do now take it seriously .
27 His concluding words were : I do not find it easy to stand here and tell those of you who are deaf that you have had a poor education , and that your children are having the same poor education .
28 They 'll want to speak to you and ask why you need an emergency supply and check that you have had a previous prescription for the same medicine .
29 It may be that you have chosen a difficult argument to support or defend .
30 Challenged after the meeting by our reporter and asked if she was not being a bit melodramatic , Dorothy said : ’ ‘ It is disgraceful that you have gatecrashed a private meeting like this , and reported on thoughts that have not been fully developed yet .
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