Example sentences of "[that] i [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As to the type of employment the interesting feature that I experienced over the last two to three years as shown is that the inquiry level the type of inquiries has tended to focus on manufacturing and the attraction has been the quality of the work force , that is both in skill and its healthiness you know the liability and there are other issues in there too about where Britain is at these days in terms of immunisation wage levels , but it is the people that are themselves the major attractors so the potential work force in the locality that is the major attractor .
2 This he did , and it was then that I experienced for the first time his unexpected propensity for one-liners , conjured out of thin air .
3 I never expected it to be easy , but I do sometimes wish for those moments that I experienced in the distant past , when the umpire used to say , ‘ game , set and match ’ , and you shook hands before entering the comparative safety of the changing room .
4 It was through them that I heard about the forthcoming penny farthing races at Ferrymead Historic Park , on Waitangi Day ( the NZ national day , Feb. 6th ) .
5 It was at a dinner party in the flat , when they were in the kitchen together fetching yogurt and raspberries , that I heard for the first time one of them turn on the other in anger .
6 It was one of the few references to the former prime minister 's gender that I heard during the whole week of leadership crise .
7 They were trying to insinuate that I belonged with the psychiatric patients .
8 I opened two bottles that I retrieved from the sticky mess on the cabin floor .
9 And I believe it was then , looking on that view , that I began for the first time to adopt a frame of mind appropriate for the journey before me .
10 I have extracted a vast number of chocolates from automatic machines ; I have obtained cigarettes , toffee , scent , and other things that I dislike by the same machinery ; I have weighed myself with sublime results ; and this sense not only of the healthiness of popular things , but of their essential antiquity and permanence is still in possession of my mind .
11 I reiterate the point that I made to the hon. Member for Greenock and Port Glasgow ( Dr. Godman ) .
12 The comparison that I made in The Independent newspaper was based on what the Secretary of State 's own review had recommended as the number required to run the system .
13 Dr Russell insisted that I went with the convalescent men and we were lucky to pick up one of the last trains to go northwards .
14 I began to despair in the local press I noticed an advert for an evening class , cookery for men being the young one in the family I plucked up courage and enrolled but it was great , with great apprehension that I went to the first class .
15 You may tell me that I went to the wrong place to begin with — and I can now agree .
16 Jo Spence I think it was then I was ill that I understood for the first time what it was to be a victim .
17 However , once we start to distort the operation of open justice and the consideration of the matters , we may very well , through the operation of rumour and all its insidious effects that are so damaging in libel cases — the only justification that I know for the high damages granted in such cases — inflict more damage on justice than we realise .
18 ‘ I shall also be reviewing the way we get independent advice , so that the public will be able to see absolutely clearly that I act on the best possible evidence , without fear or favour . ’
19 If the leaders of Anti-Racist Alliance want to build up an effective anti-racist movement , they should desist from the kind of stupid sectarianism that I witnessed at the recent March for Justice in the London borough of Newham .
20 ‘ I am assuming the responsibility for all of my co-workers , both for those things I was aware of and for those things that I discovered in the last few days since the name of Olivetti began circulating .
21 ‘ I used mainly my green Ibanez that I had on the last tour , but for a Be-Bop solo on Giant Steps I used an Ibanez George Benson .
22 But if I were to find such a change taking place while an animal is learning , unless the conditions for that change met all the subsequent criteria , I would be no further forward than the experiments of the 1960s that I criticized in the last chapter .
23 If the hon. Lady or Puffin Books can show that the use of the puffin symbol contravenes the text that I quoted from the 1986 voluntary agreement , without being bound by court procedures and legal niceties and technicalities , we have a system deliberately designed to be sufficiently flexible to allow action to be taken and new barriers which will not be allowed to be broken .
24 We somehow got on to the subject of detective stories , for it had been with some surprise that I learnt at the Old Parsonage meeting that at one time he had read them with avidity .
25 The Prime Minister answered a question that I put to him earlier this year by referring to the fact that he did not believe that I live in the real world .
26 It was with much regret that I learned of the sad passing of Jack Golder ( Shergold guitars ) on 9th April ‘ 92 , via the obituary published in your June issue .
27 The clerk , realising from Mirsal 's uniform that I belong to the sacred official class , merely bows his head to the storm , pays up and looks pleasant .
28 over subscribed courses as well , I mean when I went on the language and , and the national curriculum and that other thing that I did on the national curriculum , masses of people there .
29 It was in that frame of mind that I moved into the Olympic year indoor season , saying , as I had been doing for a long time , ‘ In ‘ 88 , I 'll graduate ! ’
30 It was , therefore , with sadness that I read of the British Olympic Association 's petty , bigoted decision to withhold recognition of the Paralympics team .
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